Ford Starting & Lighting manual

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Can the Engine be run with the Generator disconnected from the battery? Answer No. 136
If for any reason the engine is run with the generator disconnected from the battery, as on a block test, or when battery has been removed for repair or recharging, be sure that the generator is grounded by running a wire from the terminal on generator to one of the dust cover screws in the yoke. Two strands of shipping tag wire may be used for this purpose. Be sure that the connections at both ends of the wire are tight. Failure to do this when running the engine with the generator disconnected from the battery will result in serious injury to the generator. Never ground the generator through the cut-out.
What type of Battery is used?
The Ford Starting System uses a six-volt, three-cell battery.
Answer No. 138

Hydrometer readings should be taken about every two weeks to make sure that the generator is keeping the battery charged. To take a hydrometer reading, remove the filling plugs (remove the plug from only one cell at a time). Next, insert the hydrometer syringe in the filler tube and draw up enough of the solution to float the glass bulb inside the instrument. The reading of the scale at the surface of the liquid (see Cut No. 26) gives the strength of the solution. Be sure to return the electrolyte to the cell from which it was taken. Following is a list of the readings with their indications. The readings in parentheses apply to batteries used in tropical climates where water never freezes. Readings of 1.275 (1.200) or more indicate a fully charged battery. Readings of less than
1.225 (1.130) but more than 1.150 (1.080) indicate complete discharge. Hydrometer tests taken immediately after filling with
water and before it has become thoroughly mixed with the electrolyte will not show the true condition of the battery. If the
hydrometer reading shows the battery less than one-half charged, it should be taken to the nearest authorized Ford Dealer for

Continued operation in a less than half-charged condition is injurious to the battery somewhat as running on a soft or deflated tire is injurious to the tire. Before replacing the battery, the cause of the discharged condition should be removed. It may be due
to leaks or grounds in the car wiring or to the electric system having gctten out of adjustment so that the battery is not kept supplied with the proper amount of current from the generator. If the reading in one cell is more than 50 points different from the others, it indicates that the cell is not in good order and the battery should be taken to an authorized Ford Dealer for attention.
When should water be added to the Battery?
Add nothing but pure water to the cells and do it often enough to keep the plates covered at all times. The solution (electrolyte) should be maintained at a level with the bottom of the filling tube. Distilled water, melted artificial (but not natural) ice and rain water, if obtained in the open country from a clean slate or shingle-covered roof, are generally satisfactory. All water for battery use should be kept in clean, covered vessels of glass, china, earthenware, rubber or lead. In cold weather add water only immediately before running the engine so that the charging will mix the water and electrolyte, and avoid freezing. If, for any reason, it is necessary to add acid, the battery should be taken to an authorized Ford Dealer.

What care should be given the Filling Plugs and Connections?
Keep the filling plugs and connections tight and the top of the battery clean. Wiping the battery with a rag moistened with ammonia will counteract the effect of any of the solution which may be on the outside of the battery. A coating of heavy oil or vaseline will protect the connectors from corrosion. It is of vital importance that the battery is firmly secured in its supporting brackets at all times. If clamps are loose, the battery will shift about in the compartment and result in loose connections, broken cells and other trouble. If repairs are necessary or if the car is to be laid up for the winter, take the battery to a skilled service man for proper attention and storage. Do not entrust the battery to inexperienced or unskilled hands.
Answer No. 137
How are hydrometer Readings taken?
Hydrometer Readings. (Cut No. 26)
Answer No. 139