1922 Ford Sectional View

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Sectional View of the Model T Motor. (Cut No. 2)
Intake Cam
Cylinder Assembly, showing the correct position of the valves with time gears properly set according to punch marks on the
gears, also the relative position of the pistons in their strokes as indicated above. The firing order of the cylinders is 1, 2, 4, 3.
(Cut No. 3)
Water Chamber
Compression Chamber
Piston Ring
Magneto Contact
Magneto Contact Point Clutch Pedal
Reverse Pedal Brake Pedal Transmission Cove
Triple Gear
Adjusting Nut
Reverse Band Slow Speed Band Brake Band—,
Top Water Connection Cylinder Head Fan
Valve Spring - Exhaust Valve_
Spark Plug Intake Valve_
Exhaust Manifold
Intake Pipe
Exhaust and Intake Pipe Clamp Cylinder Head Bolt
Fan Bracket
Fan Bracket Bolt Breather Pipe Fan Belt
Large Time Gear
Crank Handle Starting Crank
Starting Crank Ratchet
Clutch Spring—1 Clutch Release Fork Clutch Release Ring Clutch Shift Clutch Finger Driving Plate
Oil Level Oil Cocks
Crank Shaft Center Bearing
Crank Shaft Connecting Rod
Cam Shaft Rear Bearing
Magneto Coil Support Magneto Coil Magnet
Magnet Support Magnet Clamp Flywheel
Fly Wheel Ring Gear
Starting Crank Spring Starting Crank Sleeve Corn. Wire Terminal
Cam Shaft Front Bearing
Small Time Gear
Crank Shaft Front Bearing
Cam Shaft
Crank Case Oil Tube
Push Rod
Cam Shaft Center Bearing
Intake Stroke Exhaust Valve Closed . Intake Valve Open
Compression Stroke ,