
Engine Trouble Chart Cont.

8. Stop screw on throttle lever on carburetor, which regulates throttle closing, improperly adjusted.
9. Throttle in carburetor turned around wrong way, so as not to control idling jet.
10. Weak exhaust valve springs, allowing valve to open under suction.
11. Scored cylinder.
12. Overlap valve timing with unequal tappet clearance.
VIII. Fuel consumption unduly high. 1. Stiff engine.
2. Dragging brakes.
3. Leaking compression, or engine not operating properly on account of some trouble in foregoing list.
4. Mixture control parts on carburetor shifted from proper position, so that choker valve does not open wide, and economizer lever cannot work.
5. Carburetor adjusted for power, and economizer not working.
6. Carburetor adjusted to run engine cold without use of dash control.
7. Spark not advanced far enough.

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Carburetor Manuals: Engine Trouble Chart Cont.