
tion as the current. The thumb will indicate the north pole.
To reverse the polarity of the electro magnet, merely reverse the direction of the current flow through the magnet windings as illustrated in Fig. 272. This is another very important rule as it is used frequently when repairing generators.
The strength of electro magnets is governed by a unit named "ampere turn". An ampere turn is one

Method of Reversing Polarity of Electro Magnets

complete turn of wire around a core with one ampere flowing through it, for example:
Ampere turns =Turns X Amperes

The foregoing is all any service man needs to know about magnets to do service work in making practical electrical repairs.
There are two kinds of current electricity, alternating and direct. Alternating current is not used in the electrical system of an automobile. Direct current flows through its circuit in one direction from the positive to the negative. This is the type of current used in the electrical system of an automobile.
Electricity can be produced by various means, most important of which are:
135By chemical reaction as in a battery.
5. By mechanical means, as in the generators of an automobile
In order to have a clear understanding of the electrical circuits it is necessary to know something of the units of measurements and electrical terms used in dealing v, ith things electrical.
Volt — is the name given to the unit of electrical pressure that forces the current through the electrical wires or circuits.
Ampere —is the name given to the unit of the rate of current flow.
Ohm —is the name given to the unit of resistance or opposition to the current flow.
Ohms law —is a statement of the relationship of voltage, amperage and resistance of a circuit, "the current value in amperes is always equal to the pressure in volts divided by the resistance in ohms."
Amperes = Volts = Ohms Ohms = Volts 4- Amperes Volts =Amperes XOhms

Electro Magnetic Induction
The principle of electro magnetic induction is one of the most important electrical laws. Without this law it would be impossible to have generators, telegraph, telephone, radio or ignition apparatus on our cars.
This law or rule is: "In order to produce a current by electro magnetic induction we must either move a conductor so that it cuts across the lines of force of a magnetic field or move a magnetic field so that the lines of force cut across the conductor." Fig. 273.
Fig. 273— Principle of Electro Magnetic Induction

To demonstrate this rule, take a horse shoe magnetic, the lines of force are flowing from the north pole to the south pole. Now, take a piece of wire and move it up and down through the lines of force, and in so doing the wire cuts the lines of force and a current is generated in the wire by the principle of electro magnetic induction. In this case we were moving the conductor so that it. was cutting across the lines of force of a magnetic. If we move