
Old Buick Carburetors : BUICK MODELS 50 60 70 90 1941 1942

BUICK MODELS 50 60 70 90 1941 1942

All Prices Subject to Prevailing Surcharge
Front Carbureters Nos. 528S-533S—List Price $44.10—Exchange Allowance $10.00
Rear Carbureters Nos. 529S-534S-543S-544S—List Price $23.50—Exchange Allowance $5.00
When Servicing Carbureters Nos. 528S-529S-543S, Use Repair Parts Pkg. No. 1315 — Price $10.20; Carbureters
Repair Parts Pkg. No. 1316— Price $10.20
No. 655A FOR 529S-534S-543S-544S, PRICE $0.30
Price $10.65 5.90 5.90 (2) .15
Used on Part Name Carb. Nos.
Body flange and switch assembly 528-533
Body flange assembly (Sup. by I-410S) 529-534
Body flange assembly 529-534-543-544
Throttle valve All
Throttle shaft and lever assembly 528-533
Throttle shaft and lever ass'y 529-534-543-544
Throttle shaft, dog, collar & screw ass'y..528-533
Air horn and vent tube ass'y 529-534-543-544
Air horn and strainer ass'y 529-534-543-544
Air horn 528-533
Air horn and climatic control assembly 528
Air horn and climatic control assembly 533
Choker valve 528-533
Low speed jet assembly All
Rivet plug
Rivet plug ...528-533
Nozzle rivet plug All
Idle port rivet plug All
Level sight plug All
Cam trip lever 528-533
Choker lever and screw assembly 528-533
Choker piston lever, link & shaft ass'y 528-533
Strainer nut and gasket assembly 528-533
Strainer nut and gasket ass'y .... 529-534-543-544
Pump check needle 528-533
*Needle seat gasket All
*Pump relief plug gasket-_... -_528-533
Needle seat gasket (lower) 529-534-543-544
Bowl strainer ga
PRICE $0.60;
Nos. 533S-534S-544S, Use
1.30 .60 4.40 4.85 2.95 8.80 8.80
.30 .60 .45 .45 .20 .07 .07 .07
s k of . -.. ..All .07
*Metering rod jet gasket All (2) .07
Float and lever assembly All 1.85
Float lever pin ---All .07
Needle and seat assembly 528-533 1.20
Needle, seat and float bracket assembly
(Sup. by 25-I I IS) 529-534 1.30
25-I I I S Needle, seat & float bracket ass'y..529-534-543-544 1.30
30-14 Bowl cover strainer All .15
30-36 Switch strainer 528-533 .20
30-42 Pump strainer 528-533 .15
30A-41 Idle adjustment screw All (2) .45
39-10 Choke & throttle valve attach. screw..528-533 (6) 2 for .07
48-108S Pump jet & housing ass'y (Sup. by 48-110S) 528
48-110S Pump jet & housing ass'y (Stamped No. 36).---528 1.10
48-I 12S Pump jet & housing ass'y (Sup. by 48-113S) 533
48-I 13S Pump jet & housing ass'y (Stamped No. 381/2) 533 1.10
49-128 Switch plunger 528-533 .75
53A-223S Pump oper. lever & countershaft ass'y- 528-533 .75
53A-237S Pump arm and collar assembly
(Sup. by 53A-2405) 528
53A-240S Pump arm and collar assembly. 528-533 .35
61-57 Adjustment screw lock spring ..... All (2) .07
61-128 Connector rod spring 528-533 .07
61-143 Plunger spring 528-533 .15
61-171 Pump spring (Sup. by 61-263) _528-533 .15
61-194 Switch contact spring.-__ 528-533 .15
61-209 Switch return spring _528-533 .15
61-212 Pump lever spring (Sup. by 61-262) 528-533 .15
61-234 Metering rod spring _528-533 .15
61-237 Fast idle cam spring 528-533 .15
61-238 Throttle flex spring 528-533 .15
61-257 Needle pull clip __ _ All .07
61-259 Vacuum piston spring .... 528-533 .07
61-262 Pump lever spring ... _528-533 .15
61-263 Pump spring -_ 528-533 .15
63-35 Spring retainer 528-533 .07
63-43 Switch strainer retainer ring 528-533 .07
63-57 Intake ball check retainer 528-533 .07
63-58 Coil housing retainer .... 528-533 (3) .07
64-79S Pump plunger and shaft assembly
(Identify by shaft No. 49-137) 528-533 1.05
75-473 Metering rod—standard—.0675"- 0675"
to .063"-.054" 533 (2) .45
75-490 Metering rod—I size lean—.069"-.069"
to .065"-.056" -----------------------------533 (2) .45
75-492 Metering rod—standard—.072"-.070"-060"..528 (2) .45
Used on List
Part Name Carb. Nos. Price
Metering rod—I size lean—.073"-.073"
to .0705"=.062" 528 (2) *Metering rod and jet unit—altitude
only .533-534-544
*Metering rod and jet unit—altitude
only 528-529-543
86-12 Flange stud lock washer All (3) .02
86-37 Terminal lock washer 528-533 (2) .02
101-19 Choker lever clamp screw 528-533 .07
101-67 Pump retainer screw 528-533 .07
101-69 Throttle centering screw All .07
101-73 Throttle valve attach. screw..529-534-543-544 (4) 2 for .07
101-74 Throttle shaft arm attaching screw 528-533 .07
101-84 Fast idle adjustment screw 528-533 .07
101-109 Switch terminal screw 528-533 (2) .07
101-112 Terminal cap attaching screw 528-533 .07
101-121 Throttle lever adjustment screw _ All .07
101-136 Coil housing and metering rod arm
attaching screw 528-533 (4) .07
101-140 Fast idle screw 528-533 .15
101-149S Body flange screw and washer ass'y All (4) .07
I01-152S Air horn screw and washer assembly..----.-528-533 (4) .07
I01-155S Pump jet screw and washer assembly--....528-533 (2) .07
101-160S Bowl cover screw and washer assembly. 528-533 (6) .07
101-1605 Bowl cover screw and washer
assembly 529-534-543-544 (8) .07
101-1615 Dust cover attaching screw and washer
assembly :_._ ____ 528-533 (2) .07
105A-10 Choker lever nut_ _-_-528-533 .07
105A-lI Flange stud nut All (3) .07
III-34S Metering rod arm and screw assembly- 528-533 .30
114-45 Throttle shaft arm 528-533 .09
115-67 Throttle connector rod 528-533 .35
115-70 Fast idle connector rod 528-533 .20
116-13 Pump intake check ball -528-533 .04
116-19 Switch ball 528-533
117-58 Pump arm link _-528-533 .07
117-83 Vacumeter piston link 528-533 .15
I18-39 Dust cover 528-533 .35
120-12IS Metering rod jet and gasket assembly 533 (2) .45
120-141S Metering jet and gasket assembly 534-544 (2) .45
120-1435 Metering jet and gasket assembly 529-543 (2) .45
120-1495 Metering rod jet and gasket assembly.- - -----528 (2) .45
121-78 Coil housing gasket 528-533 .07
121-79 Body flange gasket _. All .15
121-80 Air horn gasket _.._ .____.__--._ -.- _.528-533 .15
121-81 Bowl cover gasket All .15
121-86 Dust cover gasket 528-533 .07
122-70 Discharge pump check plug _- -528-533 .30
122-75S Pump relief plug assembly 528-533 .35
136-15 Starting plate stem washer 528-529 .04
136-37 Connector rod washer ..... _528-533 .04
136-38 Throttle shaft washer 528-533 .04
136-53 Return spring washer _-528-533 .04
146-134S Bowl cover and strainer assembly 528 3.15
146-138S Bowl cover and strainer assembly.---.- 533 3.15
150-62 Choke piston pin 528-533 .04
150A-10 Pin spring _._.-._.__.._...-...___.. _.-.._- 528-533 (3) -.02
150A-14 Countershaft pin spring 528-533 .02
153-11 Switch contact spring shim (.018") 528-533 .02
153-12 Switch contact spring shim (.006") 528-533 .02
160-35 Choke piston 533 .30
160-67S Vacuum piston and pin assembly 528-533 .45
60-70 Choke piston 528 .35
170P75S Thermostatic housing and coil ass'y 528-533 2.20
172-12 Terminal cap hold down clip 528-533 .15
172-13 Cable clip _528-533 .15
172-15 Cable clip 528-533 .15
181-87 Switch guide block __ 528-533 .35
181-90S Fast idle cam assembly 528-533 .45
184-20S Terminal cap assembly 528-533 1.10
186-12 Baffle plate _ 528-533 .15
92-IIU Carter starter switch unit 528-533 2.25
96-10 Pump plunger guide __ _ -528-533 .20
Part No. I -345S I -347S I-4105 2-89
3-405S 3-407S 4A-87S 6-419S 6-420S 6-425 6-427S 6-442S 7-121
II-177S IIB-12 IIB-79 IIB-103 I IB-108 IIB-146 14-275 14-2805 14-28 I S 15-35S I5-40S 17-51 20-22 20-26 20-30 20-35 20-54 21-80S 24-24 25-105S 25-108S
(3) (2) (2)
Part No. 75-503
.45 1.75 1.75
NOTE: Small figure in parenthesis ahead of list price indicate number of pieces in one carbureter. Where this number does not appear only one piece is used.
*Metering rods to be installed in front carbureter and metering rod jets in rear carbureter at same time.
*Gaskets so marked must be soaked in 90 proof denatured alcohol for 15 minutes, installed on part and let dry before using.