Chevrolet with Old Carter Carburetors : CHEVROLET CARBURETER No. 569S 1932 thru 1936Previous | Home | Next |
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Chevrolet Army Truck—Carbureter 589S—List Price $27.95
No. I346A, PRICE $8.95
All Prices Subject to Prevailing Surcharge
Part No. PART NAME List Price
IA-17 Flange gasket . ..$0.07
2-104 Throttle valve 15
3-52IS Throttle shaft and lever assembly 1.05
6-507S Air horn assembly 4.75
7-103S Choker valve assembly .... 75
I I-173S Low speed jet assembly 45
11B-12 Rivet plug . (7) .04
IIB-16 Pump jet passage plug 15
IIB-25 Disk check passage plug - __- .15
IIB-27 Nozzle and idle passage plug (2) .15
IIB-62 Rivet plug ....---- .04
IIB-164 Nozzle retainer plug _ 15
12-274S Nozzle assembly 65
I4-336S Choker lever and shaft assembly 60
15-425 Strainer nut and gasket assembly_ 45
20-22 *Needle seat gasket 07
20-26 *Metering rod jet gasket 07
20-29 Pump cylinder gasket—upper 07
20-35 Strainer nut gasket 07
20-45 Nozzle gasket ......................... 07
20-98 Dust cover attaching screw gasket -_ .07
21-45S Float and lever assembly 1.20
24-15 Float lever pin 07
25-33S Needle and seat assembly _- 1.20
30-14 Gas intake strainer gauze _..... 15
30-20 Pump check strainer gauze 15
30A-40 Idle adjustment screw _- .45
39-10 Choke valve attaching screw (2) 2 for .07
39-I1 Throttle valve attaching screw - _(2) 2 for .07
47-13 Expansion plug ... .05
48-43 Pump jet ...... .20
53A-276S Pump lever assembly - ... .45
61-96 Pump spring ...... .15
61-97 Idle adjusting screw lock spring - .15
61_128 Connector rod spring 07
61-200 Plunger spring -.--- .15
61-242 Metering rod spring 15
61-281 Pump connector spring link 15
Part No. PART NAME List Price
61-293 Choker spring . ......... . 15
62-10IS Tube clamp assembly 35
63-35 Connector rod spring retainer 07
64-72S Plunger and rod assembly 1.05
72-56 Air horn adaptor 1.45
75-574 Metering rod—standard (.065"-.054"-.040") 45
87-28 Connector rod boot 1.10
101-10 Wire clamp screw 07
101-28 Throttle shaft arm clamp screw 07
101-121 Throttle lever adjusting screw _ 07
101-1445 Attaching screw and washer assembly (I I) .07
105-11 Tube clamp screw (2) .07
105A-8 Tube clamp nut (2) .07
I05A-I3 Flange stud nut (2) .07
114-56S Throttle shaft arm and screw assembly 30
115-85 Throttle connector rod 35
120_I15S Metering rod jet assembly 45
121-67 Bowl cover gasket 15
121-118 Dust cover gasket 15
121-119 Air horn to adaptor gasket 15
121-120 Air horn to body gasket 15
121-122 Air cleaner to air horn adaptor gasket 15
22-455 Intake disk check assembly 35
I22-73S Discharge disk check assembly _.35
129-18 Metering rod disk 04
136-19 Pump check plug washer 02
136-20 Idle port and nozzle plug washer (2) .02
136-27 • Low speed jet and pump jet plug washer (2) .02
36-98 Choke shaft dust seal retainer washer_ 04
136-99 Throttle shaft dust seal retainer washer (2) .04
136-107 Idle adj. screw dust seal retainer washer 04
146-157S Bowl cover and countershaft assembly 1.85
146-158S Bowl cover, countershaft and strainer assembly 2.30
150A-10 Pin spring . 02
150A-15 Countershaft pin spring 02
163-14 Countershaft felt packing 07
163_21 Choke shaft dust seal 45
63-28 Throttle shaft dust seal (2) .45
163-30 Idle adj. screw dust seal 04
`Gaskets so marked must be soaked in 90 proof denatured alcohol for 15 minutes,
installed on part, and let dry before using.
NOTE: Small figures preceding list prices indicate number of piezes used in
one carbureter. Where no figure appears only I is used.
List price of $4.40 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.07 each. List price
of $2.55 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.05 each.
List price of $ 1.85 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.04 each. Liss price
of $0.75 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.02 each.