Chevrolet with Old Carter Carburetors : CHEVROLET TRUCK 1940 1941 1942 1943Previous | Home | Next |
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Chevrolet Truck—Special Model I 940-4 I -42-43—Carbureters
Price $17.65
All Prices Subject to Prevailing Surcharge
Part No. PART NAME List Price
IA-17 Flange gasket—graphited asbestos—l¼"
S. A. E $0 07
2-101 Throttle valve 15
3-270S Throttle shaft and lever assembly (387S) 90
3-43IS Throttle shaft and lever assembly (518S-518SA) 90
6-184S Air horn assembly 3 25
7-81 Choker valve (not sold separately, Part of
7-89) --°
7-82 Choker valve hinge (not sold separately, Part
of 7-89)
7-89 Choke valve unit (Consists of 7-81, 7-82, 61-125
and 2—39-10) 60
11-147 Low speed jet 30
IIB-12 Rivet plug ° 04
IIB-16 Pump jet passage plug (Sup. by I IB-198) 15
11B-25 Check valve passage plug 15
I1B-27 Nozzle and idle passage plug (Sup. by IIB-199) 15
1IB-42 Rivet plug (3875-518S) 04
118-64 Rivet plug (3875-5I8S) 04
IIB-69 Rivet plug 04
1IB-198 Pump let passage plug 15
IIB-199 Idle hole passage plug 15
12-206 Nozzle ass'y (Consists of 12-186 and 12-196)
(Sup by I2-303U) .90
12-303U Nozzle Unit (Consists of 12-300S, 120-45 and
I I B-164) 90
I4-202S Choker assembly with clamp and screw 60
20-22 *Needle seat gasket 07
20-26 *Metering rod jet gasket 07
20-29 Pump cylinder bushing gasket—upper 07
20-45 Nozzle gasket 07
20-58 Air horn gasket 07
21-45S Float and lever assembly 1 20
24-I5 Float lever pin 07
25-33S Needle and seat assembly : 1 20
30-20 Strainer gauze 15
30A-40 Idle adjustment screw 45
39-10 Choke valve attaching screw for 07
39-11 Throttle valve attaching screw 2 for 07
48-43 Pump jet, .025" 20
53A-89S Pump arm, spring and countershaft assembly.. .75
61-15 Choker spring I5
61-75 Metering rod spring 15
PART NAME List Price
Pump spring 15
Adjusting screw lock spring 16
Choke valve spring 15
Plunger spring 15
Tube clamp assembly 35
Plunger leather ° - . .35
Plunger and rod assembly (Identified by
Shaft No. 49-94) 1 30
75-193 Metering rod—Standard—.069"-.069" to .060"-
.060" to .058"-.044" (Sup. by 75-571) 45
75-571 Metering rod—Standard—.064"-.058" to
.053"-.039" 45
86-15 Flange stud lock washer 02
86-19 Plunger washer (inner) 05
86-20 Plunger washer (outer) 05
Sb-21 Plunger shaft lock washer 02
Plunger cup 20
101-10 Wire clamp screw 07
101-28 Throttle shaft arm clamp screw 07
101-121 Throttle lever adjusting screw 07
I01-143S Dust cover attaching screw and washer ass'y 07
I01-1445 Air horn attaching screw and washer assembly 07
105-11 Tube clamp screw 07
105A-8 Tube clamp nut 07
I05A-12 Plunger shaft hex nut 07
105A-I3 - Flange stud nut 07
I14-15S Throttle shaft arm and screw assembly 30
115-19 Throttle connector rod 20
117-12 Connector link 07
I18-16S Dust cover and spring assembly 75
120-I I9S Metering rod jet and gasket assembly, .094".-..-- .45
121-46 Bowl cover gasket 15
122-45S Intake disk check assembly 35
I22-47S Discharge disk check assembly 35
129-21 Metering rod disk 04
136-15 Starting plate stem washer 04
136-19 Plug washer (Conical) 02
136-20 Plug washer (Conical) _.02
136-27 Plug washer (Conical) 02
146-39 Bowl cover 1 45
150A-10 Pin spring °---- 02
156-13 Gas line nipple 30
201-I1 Metering rod disk stop 15
Part No. 61-96 61-97 61-125 61-200 62-84S 64-25 64-30S
*Gaskets so marked must be soaked in 90 proof denatured alcohol for 15 minutes,
installed on part and let dry before using.
List price of $4.40 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.07 each. List price
of $1.85 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.04 each.
List price of $2.55 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.05 each. List price
of $0.75 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.02 each.