Chevrolet with Old Carter Carburetors : CHEVROLET 1935 1936 1937 1938Previous | Home | Next |
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Page 4
Bore and Stroke: 1935-36-Carbureters 284S-32IS-319S-334S-3355-3-5/I6" Bore;
4" Stroke 1937-38-Carbureters 346S-358S-39IS-31/2" Bore; 33/4" Stroke
1935 1935 1936 1936 1936 1937 1937-38 1938
284S 321S 319S 334S 335S 346S 358S 391S
DIMENSIONS: 11/4" II/4" 11/4,• 11/4" 11/4„ 11/4„ 11/4„ 11/4,•
Flange Size, S. A. E
Primary Venturi, I. D 11/32" 11/32" 11 /32" 1 1 /32" 11/32" 1
1 /32" 11 /32" 1 1 /32"
Secondary Venturi, I. D 11/16" 11/16" 11/16" 11/16" 11/16" I1/16" 11/16" 11/16"
Main Venturi, I. D 11/4" I-I/16" 11/4" 11/4" I-1/16" 11/4" I-1/16" 11/4'•
FLOAT LEVEL: 3/g" 3/a" 3/s" 3/s" 3/8" 3/s" 3/g" 3/s"
OUTSIDE VENT: 10 Dr. 10 Dr. °--°- ----------- - --- --- -°--- -•----
. - -- -°--- . -
INSIDE (BALANCED) VENT: - ..................... ¼Ig" 27 Dr. 27 Dr.
27 Dr. 27 Dr. 27 Dr.
Above Choke Valve, Diem
Below Choke Valve, Diem ..................... 35 Dr. 35 Dr. 35 Dr. 35 Dr. 35
GASOLINE INTAKE: 38 Dr. 48 Dr. 48 Dr. 48 Dr. 48 Dr. 48 Dr. 48 Dr. 48 Dr.
GAS LINE CONNECTION: 5/16" 5/16" 5/16" 5/16" 5/16" 5/16" 5/16" 5/16"
LOW SPEED JET TUBE: 72 Dr. 72 Dr. 72 Dr. 72 Dr. 72 Dr. 72 Dr. 72 Dr. 72 Dr.
Jet Size
By Pass in Body --- 57 Dr. 56 Dr. 56 Dr. 56 Dr. 56 Dr. 56 Dr. 56 Dr. 56 Dr.
Economizer in Body 52 Dr. .069" .054"-.056" .054"-.056" .051"-.053" .059"-.060" .051"-.053" .059"-.060"
Idle Bleed --_- 52 Dr. 54 Dr. 54 Dr. 54 Dr. 42 Dr. 54 Dr. 52 Dr.** 54 Dr.
IDLE PORT: 176' ' -------------- ----- - -- ---- ----- -° ----- -° -° • ••----
- -- --------- -------------
Keyhole Type: Length _
W width .040" --------------------- - - ---- --------- - - -- -- ---------- • ...-
Diem. hole .076"
at bottom.---....--
Slot Type: Length -_ .176" .200"
Width .040" .030"
2-Hole Type: Upper Port ---. . 44 Dr. 44 Dr. 44 Dr. 44 Dr. 44 Dr. 44 Dr.
Lower Port .._._ 54 Dr. 52 Dr.* 52 Dr. 52 Dr. 52 Dr. 52 Dr.
(Distance between top of lower port
and top of valve when closed tight)
Keyhole Type .015"
Slot Type .014' to .158" to
.018 .162"
2 Hole Type__ -- .016" to .016" to ' .012" to I .034" to
.048" to .047" to
' {
.020" .020" .016" 1 .038" .052"1 1 .051"
IDLE SCREW SEAT: 52 Dr. 52 Dr. 52 Dr. 52 Dr. 52 D-r. 50 Dr. 52 Dr. 52 Dr.
IDLE ADJUSTMENT SCREW: 1/2 to 11/2 1/2 to 11/2 to 2 Ito 2 Ito 2 Ito 2 Ito 2 Ito
Turns Open
SLIP NOZZLE: In primary 31 Dr. 40 Dr. .125" .125" 40 Dr. .125" 40
Dr. .125"
venturi, angle 30°:
Discharge Jet Size
SCREW NOZZLE: Seats in 31 Dr. 51 Dr. 31 Dr. 31 Dr. 53 Dr. 31 Dr. 53 Dr. 31 Dr.
Slip Nozzle-Jet Size
METERING ROD: .065" .0675" .069" .069" .068" .069" .067" .069"
1st Step _
Ste 065" to 0675" to to ( .060" to to to
2nd .068" .067'• .069"
2 p f .0555" .061" { .056" .056' { .060" t .058" .063" .060"
3rd _ 0555" .061" 060" .058" to .060" to
.Step .063.06"
I " .058"
Power Step .048" .051" .042" .042" .049" .044" .052" .042"
Length of Rod ---- 33/s" 3-25/64" 33/8" 33/8" 3-25/64" 33/g" 3-25/64" 33/g"
METERING ROD JET: .089" .0835" .0955" .0955" .0835" .094" .0835" .095"
METERING ROD GAUGE: 1109-25 T109-25 1109-25 1109-25 T109-25 T109-25 1109-25 T109-25
ACCELERATING PUMP: 72 Dr. 72 Dr. 72 Dr. 72 Dr. 72 Dr. 72 Dr. 72 Dr. 72 Dr.
Low Pressure Type
Adjustable Stroke
Discharge Jet Size
Intake Disk Check 62 Dr. 62 Dr. 62 Dr. 62 Dr. 62 Dr. 62 Dr. 62 Dr. 62 Dr.
Discharge Disk Check 40 Dr. 40 Dr. 40 Dr. 40 Dr. 40 Dr. 40 Dr. 40 Dr. 40 Dr.
VACUUM SPARK PORT: 50 Dr. 50 Dr. -- 50 Dr.
Round Type: Upper Port .----...-.---.. ........ ..................................
Lower Port 56 Dr. 56 Dr. -_---------------- 56 Dr.
f .0415" to to .0415" t(
Oblong Type: Size - - _... - -
- - j .0445" 0445" 0445t
Above Valve 015"-.030" .._.- 015"-.030" •
{ .016t
THROTTLE LEVER: At Left - - .... - - -- - _ _----------------- - - - * .............
Split Offset
CHOKER: In Air Horn; Split Split Split Split Split Split
Valve (Butterfly) Type
CHOKER LEVER: At Left- Down Down Down Down Down Down Down Down$
When Open Points
On Air Horn, Located at Left Left Left Left Left Left Left Left
Dr.-Drill Size. " Early production 334S-No. 54 Dr. size Lower Port.
t Late Production; Size, .041" by .125". Bottom of slot .012" to
.016" above valve. $Spring loaded, manually operated.
Early production only. Air bleed into idle passage above idle port. * Fixed to
restrict maximum speed to 45 M.P.H.
Late production only. Early production, .012" to .016" above top edge
of valve.