If carbureter loads up after considerable service, float level should be
checked. Wear on lip of float lever will raise float level. Float level
may be reset by bending lip of float lever down to raise float level or
bending lever up to lower float level. Only a very slight bend is needed.
If motor stalls while idling, reset idle adjustment screw and throttle lever
adjusting screw. If these adjustments do not correct the trouble, remove
low speed jet tube and clean thoroughly with compressed air. Examine and
see that tube seats gasoline-tight in body casting, top and bottom. If not,
replace with a new tube of identical specifications. NEVER CHANGE A LOW SPEED
Increased resistance on foot throttle indicates a clogged pump jet. Pump
jet should be removed and cleaned with compressed air, which, in many cases,
will remove the dirt or lint. However, it is usually advisable to replace
the pump jet, as its cost is nominal. All jets and ball checks must be seated
Poor acceleration may be due to damaged or worn plunger leather in accelerating
pump, corrosion in pump cylinder, loose or cracked cylinder, cracked plunger
cup or bent pump arm (parts which may be replaced at small cost). If plunger
is removed from cylinder, always use loading tool in reassembling to avoid
damage to plunger leather.
Frazer 1947 Carbureter 574S
No. 1089C, PRICE $5.98
Part No. PART NAME List Price
IA-17 Flange gasket _ - $0.07
2-104 Throttle valve .IS
3-4705 Throttle shaft and lever assembly 1.00
6-3745 Air horn assembly_- __ 3.90
7-107 Choke valve .28
I -1735 Low speed jet assembly._. _ .43
IIB-12 Rivet plug (7) .03
I I B-25 Disk check passage plug .15
118-62 Rivet plug . _ .03
B-164 Nozzle plug .- .15
IIB-198 Pump jet passage plug 15
I IB-l99 Idle hole passage plug .15
I2-274S Nozzle assembly -.._.. ._. .63
I4-268S Choke assembly -- .50
14-2705 Choke shaft and lever assembly_-_ - .... _ _- . __ .57
20-22 *Idle hole passage plug gasket.__ _ ___ .15
20-26 *Metering rod jet gasket _-... ._-_ _.._-__. .- ..._ .07
20-29 Pump cylinder gasket—upper... .07
20-45 Nozzle gasket -__. . ___. _ .. --- _____ 07
20-71 Air horn gasket ..._ - .07
21-455 Float and lever assembly_._ 1.13
24-15 Float lever pin- 07
25-33S Needle and seat assembly 1.13
30-20 Strainer gauze .15
30A-40 Idle adjustment screw_.._ .43
39-10 Choke valve attaching screw. (2) 2 for .07
39-11 Throttle valve attaching screw _ (2) 2 for .07
48-43 Pump jet, 72 drill .22
53A-225S Pump lever assembly (Service) .43
53A-276S Pump lever assembly _____________________.43
61-96 Pump spring ------_.--- ---._ __ - .15
61-97 Adjusting screw lock spring .15
61-128 Connector rod spring-- _ _ .07
61-200 Plunger spring -.__ .. __ .15
61-231 Choke valve spring .15
61-242 Metering rod spring _ .15
61-281 Pump connector link spring . --_. .15
Part No. PART NAME List Price
62-1015 Tube clamp assembly__ _ .35
63-35 Spring retainer 07
63-44 Retainer ring - __ 07
64-72S Plunger and rod assembly (Identify by
Shaft No. 49-129). .. 1.00
75-485 Metering rod—Standard—.067"-.067" to
.062"-.062" lo .060"-.046" .43
75-517 Metering rod—I size lean—.068"-.068" to
.065"-.065" to .064"-.049" .43
101-10 Wire clamp screw ... .07
101-28 Throttle shaft arm clamp screw .07
101-121 Throttle lever adjusting screw .. .07
101-1435 Dust cover attaching screw and washer assembly .07
I01-1445 Air horn or bowl cover attaching screw
and washer assembly .. (7) .07
105-II Tube clamp screw (2) .07
I05A-8 Tube clamp nut (2) .07
105A-13 Flange nut _ (2) .07
I14-15S Throttle shaft arm and screw assembly. .28
115-72 Throttle connector rod .35
117-92 *Connector link _ _ 15
1 1 8 - 4 3 Dust cover . .72
I20-115S Metering rod jet assembly—.093" Dr. .43
1 2 1 - 6 7 Bowl cover gasket... ............ .15
I22-45S Intake disk check assembly.. .35
I22-47S Discharge disk check assembly. .35
122-73S Discharge disk check assembly (Sup. by I22-47S)
129-18 Metering rod disk. .03
136-19 t Plug washer (conical) 136-50 (flat)-- .. ___ .01
136-20 'I- Plug washer (conical) 136-49 (flat) _(2) .01
136-27 ')-Plug washer (conical) 136-48 (flat) (2) .01
146-1155 Bowl cover and countershaft assembly 1.77
150A-10 Pin spring _ _ (3) .01
150A-15 Pin spring ._ _ -__. .01
156-19 Gas line fitting (brass) optional ._ .28
156-47 Gas line fitting (steel)_-... . 28
163-14 Felt packing ___.._- .07
`Gaskets so marked must be soaked in 90 proof denatured alcohol for 15 minutes,
installed on part, and let dry before using. t Note: The use of flat or conical
plug washers should be determined by shape of seat in casting.
*117-92 available for service (not used in production).
NOTE: Small figures in parentheses preceding list price indicate number of
pieces used in one carbureter. Where no figure is shown, only one is used.