Float and Lever Assembly 1.20 21-59S 21.59S 21-MS 2I.64S 21-64S
Float Lever Pin .07 24-24 24-24 24-24 24-24 24-24 24-24
Needle and Seat Assembly 1.20 25.595 25-59S 25-59S 25-59S 25-74S 25-1005
(1.20) (25.74s)
Bowl Cover Strainer -.... .15 30-14 30-14 30-14 30-14 30-14 30-14
Check Valve Strainer ----.15 30-17 30-17 30-17 30-17
Piston Plate Strainer _- .15 30-26 30-26 30-26 30-26 30-26 30-26
Bowl Jet Strainer Assembly .30 30-315
Pump Strainer .15 30-34
Idle Adjustment Screw _ .45 '30A-41 230A-41 230A-41 '30A-41 '30A-41 230A-41
Adjustment Screw Lock Spring .15 236-1I 236-II 236-I1 236-1I 236-1I
Choke Valve Attaching Screw 2 for .07 39-1 I "39-11 139-I I .139-11 '139-11
(2 for.07) (39-11)
Pump Jet .20 248-50 248-50
(.20) (48-43)
Pump Jet _ _ .30 248-63 248-63 248-63 248-63
(.20) (48-59) (48-59)
Anti-Percolator Valve Assembly .75 249A-18S 249A-18S 249A-18S 249A-18S 249A-18S
Fast Idle Arm, Pin and Screw Assembly .45 53A-97S 53A-97S 53A-116S§ 53A-I27S§ 53A-I27S
Pump Arm and Countershaft Assembly .75 53A-1025 53A-107S 53A-107S 53A-1075
Pump Operating Lever and Countershaft Ass'y .75 53A-I29S 53A-I29S
Pump Arm and Collar Assembly _ .35 53A-146St 53A-1465
(.35) (53A-138s)
Pump Arm, Collar and Spring Unit .50 53A-150U$ 53A-1501J
(53A-1465 and 61-169)
Plunger Spring _ .15 61-23 61-23 61-23 61-23
Metering Rod Spring _ .15 61-120 61-120 61-120 61-120 61-120
Idle Adjustment Screw Spring .07 261.57
Connector Link Spring .15 61-123 61-123 61-123 61-123 61-123
Connector Rod Spring .07 61-128 61-128 261-128 261-128 261-128 261-128
Pump Spring .15 61-130 61-130 61-130 61-130 61-150 61-171
Fast Idle Arm Spring ..: .15 61-133 61-133 61-142 61-142 61-142 61-142
Choker Control Spring 15 61-158
Needle Pull Clip 61-159 61-159
Pump Operating Lever Spring .15 61-169$ 61-169
(.15) (61-151)
Vacuum Piston Spring .__._ .07 61-170
Metering Rod Disk Retainer .07 63-26 63-26 63-26 63-2.6 63-26 63-26
Thermostat Housing Retainer .04 -63.33 263-33 263-33 '63-33 263-33 263-33
Spring Retainer .07 63-32 63-32 263-35 263-35 163-35 263-35
Plunger Leather __ .35 64-25 64-25 64-25 64-25
Pump Plunger and Rod Assembly 1.30 64-36S 64-36S 64-44S 64-44S 64-47S 64-47S
(1.30) (64-364) (64-36s)
Metering Rod-Standard .... ..... .45 275-158 275-184 275-224 275-224 275-253
(.45) (75-195)
Metering Rod-I Size Lean .45 ''75-179 275-251 275-251 275-251 275-318
Metering Rod-2 Sizes Lean .45 275-180 275-252 275-252 275-252 275-319
Metering Rod-I Size Rich ,45 275-266 275-266
Air Horn and Bowl Cover Lock Washer .02 186-9 186-9 186-9 186-9 486-9 486-9
Flange Stud Lock Washer .02 186-12 86-12 186-12 486-12 186-12 486-12
Flange Assembly Lock Washer -. X .02 86-17 '86'17 '86-17 86-17 786-17 786-17
Plunger Washer (Inner) _ .05 86-19 86.19 86.19 86-19
Plunger Washer (Outer) T_ .05 86-20 86-20 86-20 86-20
Plunger Shaft Lock Washer ......... ....... .02 86-21 86-21 86-21 86-21
Plunger Cup .20 97-15 97-15 97-15 97-15
Compression Coupling Nut ,20 98-10 98-10
Compression Coupling Cone .15 99-10 99-10
Metering Rod Arm Clamp Screw _- p7 101-10 101-10 101-10 101-10 101-10 101-10
Piston Plate Attaching Screw 2 for.07 1101-49 11101-49 11101-49 1101-49 1101-49
Air Horn Attaching Screw (Inside) _ 07 101-55 101-55 101.90
Bowl Cover Attaching Screw and Washer Ass'y .07 4101-1485 4101-1485 4101-1485
4101.1485 4101.1485 4101-1485
(.07) (101.61) (101.61) (101-61) (101-61) (101-61) (101-61)
Thermostat Housing and Trip Lever Screw 2for.07 1101-65 '101-65 1101-65 1101-65
2101-65 1i101-65
Flange Attaching Screw and Washer Ass'y .07 4101-1495 4101-1495 4101-149S 4101-1495
4101-1495 4101-149S
(.07) (101.68) (101-68) (101-68) (101-68) (101.68) (101-68)
Throttle Centering Screw 07 101-69 101-69 101-69 101-69 101-69 101-69
Fast Idle Arm Attaching Screw .15 101-70 101-70 101-70 101-70 101-70 101-70
Fast Idle Adjustment Screw 07 101-71 101-71 101-84 101-84 101-84 101-84
Air Horn Attaching Screw and Washer Ass'y .07 '101-1505 '101-1505 -101-1505 -101.1505
2101450$ 2101-150S
(.07) (101-72) (101-72) (101-72) (101-72) (101-72) (101-72)
Throttle Valve Attaching Screw _ 2for.07 4101-73 4101-73 4101-73 4101-73 4101-73
Throttle Shaft Arm Attaching Screw 07 101-74 101-74 101-74 101-74 101-74 101-74
Choker Control Lever Attaching Screw .15 101-92
Throttle Lever Adjusting Screw .07 101-121 101-121 101-121 101-121 101-121 101-121
(.07) (100-16) (100-16) (100.16) (100.16) (100-16) (100.16)
Flange Stud Nut ___-_ 1105A-I I 1105A-I I 4105A-1 I 4105A-I I 4105A-I I
4105A-1 I
Plunger Shaft Hex Nut 07 105A-12 105A-12 105A-12 105A-12
Metering Rod Arm and Screw Assembly .30 I I I - 1 6 S I I I-16S
Metering Rod Arm _ _ . 30 111-17 1.11-17 111-17
Anti-Percolator Arm and Screw Assembly....-. . .30 III-19S III-19S III-19S III-21S
Throttle Shaft Arm 09 114-35 114-35 114-35 114-35 114-39 114-39
Throttle Connector Rod _.._ __._._.--_ ,30 115-33 115-33 115-42 115-42
(.30) (115-40)
Throttle Connector Rod -_ .35 115-47 115-47 3895
{ 115-4
62 7 (4715
Check Ball .04 2116-13
Connectcr Link ___ .07 117-28 117-28 117-28 117-28 117-28 117-28
*386S carbureters should have these parts installed when being serviced. Units
not so equipped can be identified by letter "E" on tag §53A-1275
and 117-47 can be used on 345S instead of 53A-I16S and 117-37, but both parts
must be changed at one time. X Use 'with 101-68 and 101-72. •Use with 101-61.
NOTE: Parts in parentheses (in small italic type) are superseded by the part
number shown above them. Small figures preceding part numbers indicate number
of pieces used in one carbureter.