PART LIST 1936 1936 1936 1937 1939 1938
PRICE 327S 3395 342S 351S 3855 388S
Needle and Seat Assembly____ 1.20 25-34S 25-34S 25-34S 25-34S 25-75S 25-75S
(1.20) (25-92s)
Bowl Cover Strainer Gauze_ .15 30-14 30-14 30-14 30-14 30-14 30-14
Check Valve Strainer_-.._-_._.15 30-17 30-17 30-17 30-17 30-17 30-17
Piston Housing Strainer -___`_ .20 30-23 30-23 30-23 30-23 30-23 30-23
Metering Rod Jet Strainer .35 30-28§
Idle Adjustment .45 30A-39 30A-39 30A-39 30A-39 30A-39 30A-39
Choke Valve Attaching Screw.__._...__ 2 for .07 239.10 239-10 239-10
Valve Attaching Screw .__...._-_.. .. 2 for .07 239-11 239-1I 239-1I 439-11
439-11 239-1I
.20 48-43 48-43 48-43
Pump Jet _ _-_...`_-._. .30 48-58 48-58 48-53
Anti-Percolator Valve Assembly... .75 49A-17S 49A-17S 49A-17S 49A-17S 49A-17S
Pump Arm, Spring and Countershaft Ass'y...._. 75 53A-100S 53A-100S 53A-1005
53A-100S 53A-100S
Pump Operating Lever and Countershaft Ass'y 75 53A-142S
Pump Arm and Collar Assembly____ _Assembly____ 35 53A-143S
Plunger Spring _ -_...-- _..-_.____ 15 61-23 61-23 61-23 61-23 61-23 61-143
Pump Spring .... ...-. .15 61-52 61-52 61-52 61-63 61-63 61-150
Adjustment Screw Spring 07 61-57 61-57 61-57 61-57 61-57 61-57
Metering Rod Spring 15 61-75 61-75 61-75 61-75 61-75 61-75
Connector Rod Spring_,_.. ....... .07 61-128 61-128 61-128 261-128 261-128
'ast Idle Link Spring___- _~ _.. .07 61-132 61-132 61-132
/acuum Piston Spring -_._-_-. .07 61-176
'ump Operating Lever Spring_ - .15 61-177
locker Arm Spring -_ _ Veedle Pull Clip_- -- 07 61-192 61-192
(.07) (61-159) (61-159)
Thermostat Housing Retainer 04 263-33 263-33 263-33 263-33 2263-33 263-33
ppring Retainer .07 63-32 63-32 63-32 263-35 263-35 263-35
'lunger Leather __.._..____.._ -..____.._..._.._.. .35 64-25 64-25 64-25 64-25
'lunger and Rod Assembly..__.. ._..._..____. 1.30 64-30S 64-30S 64-30S 64-28S
64-28S 64-48S
Metering Rod-Standard _....__._....____._... .45 75-175 75-176 75-175 75-194
75-194 75-262
(.95) (75-157)
Metering Rod-I size Iean- _ _ - .45 75177 75-177 75-177 75-249 75-249 75-316
Metering Rod-2 sizes lean 45 75-178 75.178 75-178 75-250 75-250 75-317
Metering Rod-I size rich 45 75-267 75-267
Dust and Bowl Cover Lock Washer....- _._-l' .02 486-9 486-9 486-9 486-9 486-9
Air Horn Lock Washer ___ .02 286-11 286-I1 286-I1 286-1I 286-1 I 286-11
Mange Stud Lock Washer 02 286-15 28615 286-15 2 ---- 86-I5 286-I5 286-1.5
Plunger Washer (Inner) .05 86-19 86-19 86-19 86-19 86-19
'lunger Washer (Outer) .... .05 86-20 86-20 86-20 2 • 86-20 86-20
Plunger Shaft Lock Washer -._.-_.... .02 86-21 86-21 86-21 86-21 86-21
'lunger Cup _"_ " __. ____ .. .20 97-15 97-15 97-15 97-15 97-15
Corti pression Coupling Nut _ .20 98-10
Compression Coupling Nut ~ ~ 15 98-20 98-20
Compression Coupling Cone ___ .15 99-10
Compression Coupling Cone __ .07 99-15 99-15
Bowl and Dust Cover Screw and Washer Ass'y....".. .07 4101-1435 4101-143S
4101-1435 4101-1435 4101-I43S 4101-1435
(.07) (101-22) (101-22) (101-22) (101-22) (101-22) (101-22)
Throttle Shaft Arm Clamp Screw___.-__..__ 07 101-28 101-28 101-28 101-28 101-28
Air Horn Attaching Screw._____.._...__ ___ 07 2101-29 2101-29 2101-29 2101-29
2101-29 2101-29
Screw and lock washer assembly 07 2101-1515
(.07) (101-29)
Thermostat Housing Attaching Screw_.._.._.___."__.. 2 for .07 2101-65 2101-65
2101-65 2101-65 2101-65 2101-65
Fast Idle Block Attaching Screw _.____ .... .07 2101-76 2101-76 2101-76
Choker Lever Clamp Screw ___~. .07 101-78 101-78 101-78 101-78 101-78 101-78
Throttle Lever Adjusting Screw 07 101-79 101.79 101-79 101-83 101-83 101-120
(.07) (100-16) (101-83)
'ast Idle Cam Attaching Screw 15 101-81 101-81 101-81
hrottle Valve Screw -....___...__ 2 for .07 2101-87
'lunger Shaft Hex Nut 07 105A-12 105A-12 I05A-12 105A-12 105A-12
'tango Stud Nut --___._.___.. .07 2105A-13 2105A-I3 2105A-I3 2105A-I3 2105A-I3
hrottle Shaft Arm and Screw Assembly 30 114-26S 114-26S I14-26S 114-26S 114-26S
hrottle Connector Rod 30 115-34 115-34 115-34 115-38 115-38
.hrottle Connector Rod...._.._.. .____.... 35 115-48
3onnector Link _ 07 117-28 117-28 117-28 117-28 117-28 117-28
)ust Cover 75 11815 118-15 118-15 118-15 118-15 118-30
Metering Rod Jet and Gasket Assembly 45 120-67S 120-67S 120-67S 120-1175 120-1175
fowl Cover Gasket- __" 15 121-12 121-12 121-12 121-12 121-12 121-48
oil Housing Gasket.. ._..._ -~_ .07 121-74 121-74 121-74 121-74 121-74 121-74
ntake Check Valve Assembly__ 35 122-45S 122-45S 122-17S 122-17S 122-64S
ntake Check Valve Assembl (35) 122-58S (122-58:)
)ischarge Check Valve Assembly _ .35 122-47S 122-47S I22-47S 122-11S 122-I
IS 122-62S
Metering Rod 04 129-15 129-15 129-15 129-15 129-15 129-15
I36-19C I36-19C 136-19C
..heck Plug Washer 02 136-50F 136-50F 136-50F 136-19 136-19 136-19
Jozzle Plug Washer 136-20C 136-20C 136-20C
"' """`" .02 136-49F 136-49F 136-49F 136-20 136-20 136-20
.ow Speed Jet Plug Washer "_ 136-27C 2 136.27C 2 136-27C 2
"" ""'"'v """ .02 136-48F 136-48F 136-48F
136-27 136-27 136-27
hrottle Lever Screw Spring (Use with 101-79 and 101-83) 05 . 144-1 144-1 144-1
144-1 144-1 144-1 I
*25-73S consists of 25-75S and 21-71S. Both parts should be installed at one
time. Use with 101-22. § Used in 1937 starting with motor 703673. Should
be installed in all carbureters not so equipped.
NOTE: The use of flat or conical plug washers should be determined by shape
of seat in casting. (C-Conical, F-Flat.)
NOTE: Parts in parentheses (in small italic type) are superseded by the part
number shown above them. Small figures preceding the part number indicate number
of pieces in one carbureter. Where no figure is shown, one is used.