
Packard Carburetors : 1948 Packard Super Eight - 1948 Packard Standard Eight

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1948 Packard Super Eight - 1948 Packard Standard Eight

Form 6566— Canadian PACKARD 643S-643SA-644S
643S-SA—G-400015 and higher 6445—G-200015 and higher


643S-SA—2272-I and higher 1948
644S—2262- I and higher (643S Superseded by 643SA)
Cut shows 643S Carbureter
Casting No. 377 on Face of Flange (643S), No. 561 (643SA-644S)
WDO Dual Down-Draft Climatic Control Carbs.—Models 643S-643SA (Super 8), 644S (Std. 8)—List Price $54.60
A $10.00 exchange allowance is deducted from the list price if buyer turns in old carbureter.
For Packard (Super) 8 Cyl. Eng.: 31/2" Bore, 414" Stroke; (Std.) 8 Cyl. Eng.: 31/2" Bore, 33/4" Stroke.
Dimensions: Flange size, 11/4 inch dual, 4 bolt type. diameter on 45° angle.
Primary venturi, 11/32 inch. Lower hole: .0635 inch diameter on 60° angle.
Secondary venturi, (6435-SA) 19/32 inch, (644S) 21/32 inch. Metering Rod: (Vacumeter Type) Economy step (643S-SA)
Main venturi, (643S-SA) 1-7/32 inch, (644S) 11/8 inch. .0655 inch diameter, (6445) .064 inch diameter.
Float Level: Distance from float bowl cover, when needle is Middle step tapers to .0585 inch diameter (6435-SA), .060
seated to be 5/32 inch. (Use gauge No. T109-154.) inch diameter (6445).
Vents: Outside, No. 10 drill—four holes. Inside, none. Power step, (643S-SA) .051 inch diameter, (644S) .050 inch
Gasoline Intake: Square vertical needle. Size No. 38 drill hole diameter.
in needle seat. Length of rod 2-59/64 inches.
Gas Line Connection: 5/16 inch Weatherhead nipple. Metering Rod Jet: (6435-SA) 2.3 mm (.09055 inch) diameter,
Low Speed Jet Tube: Jet size, (6435-SA) No. 70 drill, (644S) (644S) 2.15 mm (.0846 inch) diameter.
No. 70 drill (early production), No. 69 drill (late production). Metering Rod Setting: Use gauge, part No. TI09-113 (2.280
By-pass, size No. 52 drill. inches).
Economizer, size No. 50 drill. Accelerating Pump: High pressure type (spring operated lever).
Idle bleed, (6435-SA) size No. 52 drill, (6445) size No. 54 Pump discharge jets (twin), (643S-SA) size No. 72 drill,
drill. (644S) No. 70 drill.
Idle Ports: Upper port, slot type, length .180 inch; width .030 Intake ball check, size No. 40 drill.
inch. Discharge (needle seat), size No. 50 drill.
Opening: .127 to .133 inch above upper edge of valve with Outside relief to pump jet, none.
valve closed tight. Pump Adjustment: (643S-SA) 28/64", (6445) 14/64" plunger
Lower Port: (For Idle Adjustment Screw) Size, .0615 to .0655 travel (full throttle position). Use gauge T109-I17S.
inch diameter. Choke: Carter Climatic Control, set at index. Butterfly type,
Set Idle Adjustment Screw: (643S-SA) 3/4 to 11/4 turns open, offset valve. Choke heat suction hole, in body, size No. 37
(6445) 5/8 to 11/8 turns open. For richer mixture, turn screw (.104") drill.
out. Do not attempt to idle engine below 350 r.p.m. Vacuum Spark Port: (643S) .054 to .056 inch diameter, (643SA-
Main Nozzle: In primary venturi, angle 45°. Closed tip. 6445) .103 to .105 inch diameter. Top of port (643S) .050
Inside diameter No. 30 drill. to .054 inch above valve, (643SA-644S) .057 inch above valve
Upper hole: (643S-SA) .0292 inch diameter, (6445) .028 inch (early production) .06G' inch above valve (late production).
Motor Tune-Up--Be Accurate! Always Use Feeler Gauges!
CAUTION: Change worn or leaky flange gaskets. Tighten manifold bolts and test compression before adjusting carbureter.

Breaker Points to Open
6° B. T. D. C.
Plus 0°, Minus 11/2°
Spark Plug Gap .028" +
Breaker Points
.0125" to .0175"
Set Valves Intake .007" Exhaust .010"
Correct Float Level
(Remove Cork Gasket)
Idle Adjustment
Screw Setting
(643S-SA) % to 11/4
Turns Open
(644S) 5/8 to 11/8
Turns Open
PUMP ADJUSTMENT: With pump connector link in place on 643S-643SA, (inner hole on 644S) throttle adjustment screw backed out, pump plunger should travel 28/64" (643S-643SA), 14/64" (644S) from closed to wide open throttle position. Measure pump travel by placing gauge T109-117S on raised portion of bowl cover around the plunger shaft. Projecting portion of indicator should be placed on top surface of connector link where it extends through the plunger shaft. The difference between readings at wide open and closed throttle positions should be "28" (643S-643SA), "14" (644S). METERING ROD ADJUSTMENT: Must be made when re-assembling carbureter or when leaner than standard rods are installed. Do not disturb pump adjustment. Procedure is as follows: (a) Back out throttle lever adjustment screw until throttle valves seat. Insert one metering rod gauge T109-113 in place of metering rod. Be sure gauge seats in jet. (b) Install metering rod pin and pin spring in vacuum piston and link assembly. (c) Press lightly on top of vacuum piston link until lip contacts tongue on anti-percolator arm. There should now be less than .005" clearance between metering rud pin and shoulder in notch of gauge with throttle valves seated.
Adjust by bending tongue on pump arm. Remove gauge and metering rod pin and install metering rods, discs, spring, and metering rod pin, and hook spring to metering rod. Vacuum piston and link must not bind or drag in any position.
and metering rods, and with throttle valves seated, insert .015" flat feeler gauge T109-72 between anti-percolator stems and lips on anti-percolator arm. Center of indicator lines must be flush with top of anti-percolator plug. Adjust by bending lips, be sure both valves are adjusted evenly.
UNLOADER ADJUSTMENT: With throttle wide open, distance between upper edge of choke valve and inner wall of air horn should be 11/64" (gauge T109-166). Adjust by bending lip on fast idle connector link. When unloader is adjusted properly, with throttle valve wide open, move choke valve to wide open position and choke valve will lock in open position.
FAST IDLE ADJUSTMENT: Hold choke valve tightly closed and adjust fast idle arm screw until there is .026" (T109-189) clearance between edge of throttle valve and bore of carbureter, side opposite idle port on model 643S -643SA, or .020" (T109-29) on model 644S.
FLANGE ASSEMBLY: (643SA -644S) Assemble in the following manner in order to center throttle valves properly and eliminate excessive endplay in the throttle shaft. Install throttle shaft and lever assembly and place throttle shaft retaining ring firmly on stub of shaft with prongs extended outward. Take out all endplay by pressing retaining ring on shaft as far as possible. Then install throttle valves with "c" in circle toward the idle port when viewed from the manifold side. To center valves tap lightly holding in place with fingers while tightening screws.