Stewart Carburetor on Hudson Super Six &
Essex Six Cars
The carburetor used on these two cars is similar to the one shown
in Fig. 1.
The action of the carburetor, adjustments and other details,
explained on preceding pages, will apply to the Stewart carburetor
used on the Hudson and Essex.
The Dodge, Essex six, and Hupmobile 6 carburetors have 1" S.A.E.
flange outlet and the Hudson super six has The Essex and Dodge
have side, or horizontal outlets, whereas the Hupmobile 6 and Hudson
have top outlets. The principle of working parts is the same.
Fig. 3. (left). Stewart model "25" carburetor, 1 %" size,
used on Hudson super six. Top or vertical outlet. Fig. 4 (right).
Stewart model "25" carburetor, 1" size, used on
Essex six. Side or horizontal outlet The name of the parts on these
two carburetors is the same as on those shown in Figs. 1 and 2.
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