CARBURETOR When Adjustment Should be Made
The carburetor should not be tampered with unless it needs adjustment.
Good carburetor action cannot be expected before the engine is
thoroughly warmed up. This is particularly true during cold weather.
Imperfect carburetor action while the engine is cold does not
indicate that the carburetor requires adjustment and carburetor
adjustment should not be made under these conditions.
Before changing any of the carburetor adjustments be sure it
is carburetor which requires attention.
In adjusting the carburetor select a quiet place, for correct
adjustment depends largely upon being able to detect slight changes
in engine speed.
Adjustment of Throttle Stop Screw
The average idling speed of the engine under normal conditions
should be about 300 revolutions per minute.
If the engine runs slower or faster than this, loosen the set screw
in the collar on the control rod running from the steering gear
to the yoke on the accelerator pedal. Then adjust the stop screw
(2, Fig. 3) on the carburetor until the engine speed is approximately
300 revolutions per minute.
When the throttle stop screw has been correctly adjusted, make
sure that the throttle control lever
1 Applies to the series "314" car, also "V-63" before
the 314, with the exception of a few minor changes.
Fig. 3. Carburetor from left-hand side.
is in the closed position and then set the collar on the control
rod 1/32 inch from the yoke on the accelerator pedal.
Adjustment of Enriching Device
Adjustment of the enriching device can be made only when the engine
is not running. When the lever (3) (Fig. 3) is held forward against
the stop
Fig. 4. Sectional view of carburetor.
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