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Currently viewing: 1935 Chevrolet Repair Manual » Introduction » Note to Service Men

A Message to Chevrolet Service Men

In order that Chevrolet service men may deliver to the car and truck owner, the satisfactory service which they pay for and are entitled to, they should perform intelligently the duties required of them.

All service men should know the construction and the operation of the component parts of the various assemblies that constitute the Chevrolet car and truck and be able to properly disassemble and assemble these units. It is only with a thorough understanding of the working parts and their relation, one to the other, that good service can be furnished.

This Repair Manual is divided into fifteen major chapters or subdivisions, each of which contains the information pertaining to that particular unit, such as construction, operation, care, specifications and repair operations.

Service specifications are listed for 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934 and 1935 Models. These, together with the text or copy in each chapter, can be used^as a guide in servicing these models.

We have attempted, in this repair manual, to present a clear and concise message, which will aid any service man to make the necessary repairs and adjustments on Chevrolet cars and trucks.

We have illustrated the different parts of the car and truck as well as described the easiest and simplest methods to be used when it becomes necessary to make repairs, adjustments or tests. The various operations performed in disassembling and assembling a unit of the car or truck, are graphically illustrated, which we trust will give a clearer message than is possible to obtain in a word picture.

This repair manual has been made simple, with technical terms eliminated, in so far as it is practical to do so. It is complete and up-to-date as of April 15th, 1935. Drawings, specifications and photographs can never cover all service conditions, but the following pages give a clear and concise ample guide for any service man to follow in the proper performance of his duties.

We recommend the use of Genuine Chevrolet parts for any repair work. These parts are duplicates of the original equipment of the car and truck, as they are made on the same machines and by the same men as well as being held to the original rigid limits and clearances as were the original parts.

We have provided service facilities in every part of the world. At our factories, branches and wholesale offices we maintain a service organization, which is at your disposal at all times, and which will be glad to give you any information you may desire. At all factories and branches a complete stock of Genuine Chevrolet parts are carried at all times to assure you prompt parts service.

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