
FIFTH-Remove the top regulator board. Re-move the screws holding the top, center and bottom of the glass run channel and remove the channel Remove the three screws holding the cam channel to the lower sash channel. See Fig. 323.
To install a new door glass, the assembly operations are just the reverse of the above removal Lift the glass straight up and remove from door.

Removing and Installing Front Door Ventilator Assembly
The front door ventilator assembly is to be serviced as a complete unit. This includes the ventilator frame and regulator with its rubber channels,

Fig. 324
A slightly torn headlining may be repaired with-out removing the entire lining. Loosen the lining from under the retainers, unhook listing from first hook, and cross-stitch the cut or tear. Cement a patch to the blind side over the stitching, apply cement to both the lining and the patch, and allow cement to become "tacky" dry before pressing together. Use trimmers' cement FS-730. By not replacing the lining on the outer listing hook 3" more slack in the lining is obtained and the patched lining may be tucked under the retainer to remove it from view.

Removal and Replacement of Glass
With the new and improved Fisher Bodies used on the 1935 Chevrolet, the method of removing and replacing glass changes. These operations are quite simple and can be performed by any Service man, providing he has the necessary tools and equipment.
Fig. 323
Before we start to explain the mechanics of removing and replacing glass, let us review what is standard equipment. Safety plate glass is used in the windshield and draft deflectors and plate or safety glass is used in lla other windows. Safety glass is furnished for all windows at a slight additional cost
The following is the mechanical operations necessary to remove and replace glass.
Removing and Installing Front Door Window To Remove Glass:
FIRST-Remove garnish moulding screws and garnish mouldings.
SEcoND — Remove screws from glass run channel and remove channel.
THIRD -Remove inside door handle, door regulator handle, no draft ventilation control handle, and arm rest.
FouRTH —Remove door trim.