Chrysler Old Carter Carburetors : CHRYSLER 6 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940Previous | Home | Next |
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PART NAME LIST Late 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940
PRICE E6F2 Early 1937 EbKI to E6M I E6Nl-N2- E6S!-
E6G I - E6K4 N3 E652
E6H I -E61I
Needle Retainer Plug .07 I B-55 I B-55
Rivet Plug -. .04 18-69 211 B-79 211 B-79
Main Vent Tube Rivet Plu .04 I IB-103 I IB-103 {IIB-103c late I1B-103 IIB-103
Pump Jet Rivet Plug-...._ .07 I IB-138 IIB-138
Choker Shaft .35 3-47 13-47 (E6GI) 13-47
Choker Lever and Screw Ass'y.30 14-183S 14-1835 (E6G1)
" "' 14-1865 (E6I1) 14-2085
Choke Lever and Screw Ass'y - (t14-2085
Choker Control Lever and Shaft )(E6G1-HI)
Assembly -_. .60 14.1885 (E6H1-II )
Choker Lever and Shaft Ass'y .65 14-2275 14-2275 I4-227S 14-2275
(.30) (14-208x) (14-208s)
(.35) (13-47) (13-47)
Pump Piston Needle .20 17-30 17-30
Pump Check Needle_ .20 17-35$
(.20) (17.34)
Main Metering Jet Gasket .07 '20-26 *20-26 '20-26 *20-26 '20-26 *20-26
Needle Seat Gasket .07 20-31 20-31 20-31 20-31 20-31 20-31
Step-Up Jet Gasket _~ .07 *20-51 '20-51 '20-51 *20-51 *20-51 *20-51
Step-Up Piston Gasket_ .07 20-52 20-52 20-52 20-52 20-52 20-52
Float and Lever Assembly -..... 1.20 21-49S 21-49S 21-49S 21-49S 21-49S 21-49S
Float Lever Pin .07 24-23 24-23 24-23 24-23 24-23 24-23
Veedle and Seat Assembly 1.20 25-50S 25-82S 25-82S 25-82S 25-82S 25-82S
(1.20) (25-61s) (25-61s) (25.61*)
dle Adjustment Screw _- .45 30A-37 30A-37 30A-37 30A-37 30A-37 30A-37
/alve Attaching Screw_ _ 2 for .07 439-II 439-1I 439-1I 439-II 439-11 439-II
'ump Jet --- .20 48-44 48-44
'ump Jet Assembly._. .35 48-83S 48-83S
(.35) (48-57s) (48-57s)
'ump Jet ___ 30 48-75 48-75
'ump Piston Rod...._...... 04 49-99 49.99
Step-Up Rod Collar .07 51-26 51-26 51-26
Throttle Lever Adj. Screw Spring -.- .07 61-58 61-58 61-58 61-58 61-58 61-58
dle Adjustment Screw Spring_ .07 61-84 61-84 61-84 61-84 61-84 61-84
'ump Spring __ .15 61-85 61-137# 61-145 61-145 61-145 61-145
(.15) (61-t5
'ump Spring (Lower) .15 61-138$
itep-Up Piston Spring ... .07 61-118 61-134 61-134 61-135 61-135 61-135
Step-Up Rod Spring .07 61-122 61-122 61-122
'lunger Spring -. .15 61-157 61-157 61-157 61-157
'ump Check Spring- .07 61-173
'loaf Lever Pin Retainer .07 63-24 63-24 63-24 63-24 63-24 63-24
2etainer Ring _ .07 63-25 63-25 63-37 63-37 63-37 63-37
'ump Spring Retainer .07 63-46 63-46
'lunger and Rod Assembly_ __ 1.05 64-495$ 64-49S 64-60S 64-60S
(1.05) (64-40s)
(1.05) (64-41s)
itep-Up Rod -. .15 75-133 75-133 75-133
Flange Screw Lock Washer .02 §286-II §286-11 §286-II §286-II §286-II §286-II
Flange Stud Lock Washer -__ .02 286.15 286-15 286-15 286-15 286-15 286-15
4ir Horn Screw Lock Washer .02 0486-17 *486-17 0486-17 •486-17 •486-17
choker Lever Clamp Screw and .07 101-1425 101-1425 I01-1425 101-1425
Washer Assembly_._.._ ....
(.07) (101-6) (101-6) (101.6) (101-6)
Throttle Lever Clamp Screw__ _ .07 101-12 101-12 101-12 101-12 101-12 101-12
Flange Attaching Screw and .07 2101-1455 2101-1455 2101-1455 2101-1455 2101-1455
Washer Assembly _
(.07) (101-54) (101-54) (101-54) (101-54) (101-54) (101-54)
sir Horn Attaching Screw and 4101-1465 4101-1465 4101-1465 4101-1465 4101-1465
Washer Assembly (~O~ (101-55) (101-55) (101-55) (101-55) (101-55) (L01-55)
Throttle Adjusting Screw .07 101-58 01-58 101-58 101-58 101-58 101-58
Flange Stud Nut .07 2105A-13 2105A-I3 2105A-13 2105A-13 2105A-13 2105A-I3
choker Connector Rod_.__.__ .20 115-30 1115-30 115-30 115-30 115-30 115-30
I S 36GII--6I1)1)
'ump Cylinder Ball-_...___ .04 116-13 116-13 116-13 116-13 116-13 116-13
'ump Check Ball..__....___. .07 116-16 116-18 116-18
'ump Connector Link._..-_ .15 117-35 117-35 117-45 117-61 117-70 117-70
'ump Operating Link____ __. .20 117-36 117-36 117-36 117-62 117-62 117-62
3ody Flange Gasket__ _- .07 2121-38 2121-38 2121-38 2121-38 2121-38 2121-38
3ody Gasket _. -. .15 121-41 121-41 121-49 121-49 121-69 121-69
dle Orifice Tube and Plug Ass'y_. .45 123-2IS 123-2IS 123-215 123-31S X123-39S
(.45) (123-31s)
:-Washer .04 136-35 136-35 136-35
Step-Up Washer -. .04 136-36 136-36
Throttle Centering Spring .05 136-55 136-55
Washer (All except E6N I )
4ain Vent Tube and Plug Ass'y_ .30 145-14S 145-14S
vlain Vent Tube .20 145-13 145-13 145-13 145-13
Step-Up Jet and Gasket Ass'y_ .35 149-43S I49-43S 149-43S '149-43S I49-43S 149-56S
in Spring _._ ____.-___.-. .02 150A-13 150A-13 150A-13 150A-13 150A-13 150A-13
in Spring __ .02 150A-14 150A-14 150A-14
*Parts so marked to be soaked in 90-proof denatured alcohol for 15 minutes, installed
on part and let dry before using.
tWhen used with Sisson choke, use I4-208S and remove manual choke bracket and
spring. Be sure to readjust Sisson choke when making this installation.
Install both parts at one time. Do not install one without the other. Use with
§ Use with 101-54.