Carburetors for old Dodge Trucks : DODGE TRUCK 1946 1947Previous | Home | Next |
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Form 6547—Canadian DODGE TRUCK ETI-ET2-ET4
August, 1947
DODGE TRUCK 1946-1947
MODEL WDX (ETI-ET2 Superseded by ET4)
Note: Truck Serial Nos. (Detroit—8390001 and higher), (Los Angeles—88750001
and higher)
Motor Nos. T-137, 1001 and higher
Six Cylinder Engine: 31/4 Inch Bore, 45/s Inch Stroke
Dimensions: Flange size, 11/2 inch S. A. E. Throttle bore, I-11/16 inch (42.86
mm). Main venturi, I-I I/32 inch (3.413 mm).
Float Setting: Top of float 5/64 inch (1.98 mm) plus or minus 1/64 inch (.397
mm) below top surface of carbureter body casting.
Vents: Outside: none. Inside: balance vent tube .218 inch
(5.56 mm) inside diameter.
Gasoline Intake Needle: Triangular, horizontal, needle seat hole No. 44 (2.18
mm) drill.
Idle Orifice Tube: Jet size, .0276 inch (.70 mm).
Idle passage air bleed (in air horn), size .0688 inch (1.75 mm).
(ETI-ET2) Idle restriction in body, size .059 inch (1.50 mm). (ET4) Idle restriction
in body, size .0629 inch (1.60 mm).
Idle Ports: Upper port: slot type. Length, .128 inch (3.251
mm). Width, .027 inch (.686 mm).
Top of port .088 to .098 (2.235 mm to 2.489 mm) above top edge of valve (in
Lower port size: .053 to .057 inch (1.35 to 1.45 mm) diameter (For idle adjustment
Set Idle Adjustment: (ETI-ET2) 5/8 to 11/8 turns open, (ET4) 3/4 to 11/4 turns
open. For richer mixture turn screw out. Do not idle engine below 500 to 600
r.p.m. motor speed.
Vacuum Spark Port: (ETI only) Slot (round end) type: size
.040 by .110 inch (1.016 by 2.794 mm). Top of port .052 to .058 inch (1.32
to 1.47 mm) above top edge of valve. (ET2-ET4) None.
Main Metering Jet: (ETI) Calibrated to flow 328 to 332 cc per minute.
(ET2-ET4) Calibrated to flow 344 to 348 cc per minute. Do not gauge for size.
If in doubt, replace with new part.
Main Vent: Fuel chamber to vent tube well (in air horn), size .063 inch (1.60
mm) diameter. In vent tube plug, size .0433 (1.10 mm) diameter.
Main Vent Tube: Side holes: 1-.0354 (.90 mm) diameter, 3/32 inch (2.381 mm)
from end.
1-.0354 (.90 mm) diameter, 1/8 inch (3.175 mm) from end. 1-.0236 (.60 mm) diameter,
1/2 inch (12.70 mm) from end. 1-.0236 (.60 mm) diameter, 17/32 inch (13.49
mm) from end. 1-.0157 (.40 mm) diameter, 1-15/32 inch (37.31 mm) from end.
Step-Up Jet: (ETI) Size, .0433 (1.10 mm) diameter. • (ET2-ET4) Size, .0492
(1.25 mm) diameter.
Accelerating Pump: Type, vacuum operated. Stroke, non-adjustable. Pump intake
passage ball check seat, size .115 to .120 inch (2.93 to 3.05 mm) diameter.
Pump discharge passage, ball check seat size, .062 to .065 inch (1.58 to 1.65
mm) diameter.
Pump discharge jet, size .0315 inch (.80 mm) diameter.
Choke: Manual--offset butterfly type, with poppet valve.
Spark Plug Set Breaker
Gap Points
.025" .020"Use Motor Gauge
Breaker Points to Open
2° A.T.D.C.
Set Valves
(Hot) Float Setting
Intake .010" 5/64 Inch Exhaust .012"
Idle Adjustment
Screw Setting
(ET( -ET2) 5/8 to 11/8
Turns Open
(ET4) 3/4 to 1¼
Turns Open
Correct float adjustment is important and should be made in the following way:
Place float gauge (No. T109-50) across the carbureter body. Press float lever
down to hold float pin against the bottom of the slot in the body casting.
Floats should just clear the projections on the gauge. If adjustment is necessary,
bend lip on float lever toward intake needle to lower level or away from the
needle to raise the float level.
If motor stalls while idling, set throttle lever adjusting screw so motor runs
between 500 and 600 R.P.M. Then set idle adjustment screw (ET1-ET2) % to 15,$t,
(ET4) to 114 turns open from closed position. If a vacuum gauge is available,
adjust to highest steady gauge reading.
Accelerating pump is actuated by the intake manifold vacuum and no adjustment
is necessary. However, be sure the bowl cover gasket and flange gasket seal
to prevent any air leaks to the pump vacuum passages.
Copyright 1947