Suction passage gasket_
Anti-percolator plug gasket
Float and lever assembly
Float lever pin
Needle and seat assembly
Bowl cover strainer_
_...__.___ _
Ball check strainer_.-__
Piston plate strainer
Piston housing strainer
Idle adjustment screw
Valve attaching screw _...
Pump jet ....- --
Pump jet
Dash pot cylinder
Pump arm & countershaft ass'y
Pump arm & countershaft ass'y_
Dash pot arm and bracket ass'y
Dash pot arm Choker spring _ . --
Plunger spring - .
Adjustment screw spring
Pump spring _
Metering rod spring
Throttle shaft dog spring
Anti-percolator rocker arm spring
Unloader spring ___ Fast idle link spring _ .
Vacuum piston spring
Tube clamp assembly
Thermostat housing retainer
Plunger leather
Pump plunger and rod assembly
Dash pot plunger and rod ass'y
Metering rod-standard
Metering rod-I size lean
Metering rod-2 sizes lean
Lock washer X
Air horn screw lock washer
Flange stud lock washer
Plunger washer (inner)
Plunger washer (outer)
Plunger shaft lock washer
Thermostat hous. screw lock washer
Plunger cup - .
Compression coupling nut
Compression coupling cone
Choker trip lever clamp screw
Dust cover and bowl cover screw
and washer ass'y
Air horn attaching screw Throttle shaft arm clamp screw.-_ Choke valve screw
Thermostat attaching screw Fast idle block attaching screw__-
Rocker arm attaching screw
Flexible tubing lock screw
Thermostat housing attaching screw
Unloader spring attaching screw
Choker lever clamp screw ___
Throttle lever adjusting screw.___
Tube clamp screw
Tube clamp nut Plunger shaft hex nut
Flange stud nut
Throttle shaft arm and screw ass'y
Dash pot connector rod
Throttle connector rod
Throttle connector rod
Fast idle connector rod
Connector link
Choker :ink ----
Piston link, pin & spring assembly
Dash pot connector
Dust cover ..._... ........--
Metering rod jet and gasket ass'y
LIST 1934 1934 1935 1936 1938 1939 1939
$ For altitude use only. X Use with 101-22.
NOTE: Parts in parentheses (in small italic type) are superseded by the part
number shown above them.
Small figures preceding part numbers indicate number of pieces used in one carbureter.