PART NAME LIST 1934 1934 1935 1936 1938-39 1939
PRICE 282S 299S 3095-3105 3295-3305 4115-4175 437S-438S
Bowl cover gasket .15 121-27 121-27 121-27 121-27 121-59 121-59
Piston plate housing gasket .07 121-35 121-35
Discharge ball check assembly .35 122-1 IS 122-IIS 122-1 IS 122-1 IS 122-IIS
Intake ball check assembly .35 122-175 I22-17S 122-17S 122-175 122-17S 122-175
Disk .35 122-295 122-295 1122-295-329
check assembly
122-295 122-575-330
Metering rod disk .04 129-12 129-12 129-12 129-12 129-15 129-15
Plug washer (conical) t .02 136-19 136-19 136-19 136-19 136-19
Plug washer (conical) t .02 136-20 136-20 136-20 136-20 136-20
Plug washer (conical) t .02 136-27 36-27 36-27 136-27 136-27
Plug washer (flat) t .02 136-48 136-48 136-48 136-48
Plug washer (flat) t .02 136-49 136-49 136-49 136-49
Plug washer (flat) t .02 136-50 136-50 136-50 136-50
Throttle lever screw spring X .05 144-11 144-11 144-11
Bowl cover 1.45 146-25 146-25 146-25 46-25 1146-82 §146-80 (4375)
146-82 (4385)
Bowl cover and strainer assembly 1.90 146-83$ 146-815 (4375
146-835 (4385
Anti-percolator pin _ .07 150-50 (146.71)
Piston : .04 150-62
Dash pot arm pin .07 150-85 (4375)
Rocker arm pin .07 150-88 150-88
Pin spring__ __ . .02 8150A-IO 8150A-10 8150A-IO 6150A-10 5150
Gas line nipple .15 156-15 4 1505
_ 156-15 56-15 56-15 156-15 5 156-15
Choke .20 160-20 160-20
Choke piston .30 160-31
Vacuum piston and pin ass'y .35 60-535 160-53S
Piston pla+e .35 161-17 161-21
Port plate .15 161-18 161-18
Piston plate housing .75 170-15 170-15
Thermostat coil and housing ass'y 3.30 170-I6S I70-16S
Thermostat coil and housing ass' y 2.95 1'170.235-329
Cork insulator disk .07 I79-II 179-1I
Cork insulator 2 .15 179-12 179-12 179-18
(.15) (179-15)
Anti-percolator bracket_ .15 180-13
Fast idle block .35 181-10 81-10
Fast idle block and link ass'y .45 181-29S
(.45) (111-23s)
Rocker arm .20 182-10 182-10
Anti-percolating cap assembly .35 184-1 IS 84-165 184-165
t The use of flat or conical washers should be determined by shape of seat in
casting . X Use with 100-16 screw only.
1$ Not sold separately - Part of I46-83S. § Not sold separately- Part of
RETERSPECIFICATIONS 28252995 309S 310S 329S 330S 41 IS-4175 4375-4385
DIMENSIONS: 11/4" 11/4" 11/4" 11/4" 11/4" 11/4" 11/4" 11/4"
Flange size _
Primary venturi-I. D 1 1 /32" 1 1 /32" 1 1 /32" 1 1 /32" 1
1 /32" 1 1 /32" 1 1 /32" 1 1 /32"
Secondary venturi-I. D 11/16" 11/16" 11/16" 11/16" 11/16" 11/16" 11/16" 11/16"
Main venturi-l. D 1-21/64" 1-21/64" 11/4" 1-21/64" 11/4" I-21/64" 11/8" 11/4"
FLOAT LEVEL: (Use TI09-80) 3/8" 3/8" 3/s" 3/8" 3/8" 3/e" 3/8" 3/e"
OUTSIDE VENT: (No inside vent) 10 Dr. 10 Dr. 10 Dr. 10 Dr. 10 Dr. 10 Dr. 10 Dr.
10 Dr.
GASOLINE INTAKE: Square 38 Dr. 38 Dr. 48 Dr. 38 Dr. 48 Dr. 38 Dr. 48 Dr. 48 Dr.
Vertical Needle: Hole in seat
GASOLINE LINE CONNECTION: 5/16" 5/16" 5/16" 5/16" 5/18" 5/16" 5/16" 5/16"
LOW SPEED JET TUBE: Size -._ 70 Dr. 68 Dr. 70 Dr. 70 Dr. 70 Dr. 70 Dr. 72 66
Or.~l 7 70 Dr.
By-pass in body____._. 55 Dr. 55 Dr. 55 Dr. 55 Dr. 55 Dr. 55 Dr. 55 Dr. 55 Dr.
Economizer in body__ 48 Dr. 48 Dr. 48 Dr. 48 Dr. Dr. Dr
48 48 .- 411
- 48 Dr. 52 Dr.--417 48 Dr.
I e ee ..___.__.-..._..__.-..._..._ .... 52 Dr. 52 Dr. 52 Dr. 52 Dr. 52 Dr. 52
Dr. 52 Dr.-411 52 Dr.
50 Dr.-417
IDLE PORT: Length___ .200" .200" .200" .200" .200" .200" .160" .200"
Width _ __ -. 030" .030" .030" .030" .030" .030" .030" .030"
IDLE PORT OPENING: .016"-.020" .007"-.011" .016"-.020" .016"-.020" .016"-.020" .016"-.020" .115"-.I19" .016"-.020"
With valve closed tight.___.___.__
SET IDLE SCREW: Turns open._-. 3/8 to I 3/8 to I 3/8 to I 3/8 to I 1/2 to I I/2
to I 3/4 to 11/2 1/2 to 11/4
MAIN NOZZLE: In primary 30 Dr. 30 Dr. 40 Dr. 30 Dr. 40 Dr. 30 Dr. 51 Dr. *
venturi, angle 30°, Size-
METERING ROD: Standard .063" .062" .065" .063" .065" .066" .072" .071"
Economy step..._.._.._....__.__._.____.._..
Middle step _ . 2_222_22-- - - -_. .060" ..............................
.060" _.. ..- .067" .066"
Power step .042" .042" .040" .042" .040" .042" .050" .045"
-Length of rod 3-25/64" 3-25/64" 3-25/64" 3-25/64" 3-25/64" 3-25/64" 3-25/64" 3-25/64"
v1ETERING ROD JET .09525" .09275" .09275" .09525" .09275" 40
Dr. .094" .0952"
v1ETERING ROD GAUGE...._ . T109-25 T109-25 T109-25 T109-25 T109-25 T109-25 T109-25
ACCELERATING PUMP: 70 Dr. 70 Dr. 72 Dr. 70 Dr. 72 Dr. 70 Dr. 70 Dr. 72 Dr.
Discharge jet size
Intake ball check size 62 Dr. 62 Dr. 62 Dr. 62 Dr. 62 Dr. 62 Dr. 62 Dr. 62 Dr.
Discharge ball check size 45 Dr. 45 Dr. 45 Dr. 45 Dr. 45 Dr. 45 Dr. 45 Dr. 45
Relief disk check _.. 65 Dr. 65 Dr. 65 Dr. 65 Dr. 65 Dr. 58 Dr. ......... ................
Relief passage (to outside ._ _. 42 Dr. 42 Dr.
_--_--.._ -_ ......... .
'UMP ADJUSTMENT: --- --.. ..--- . --- 7/32" 7/32"
(Use gauge T109-117S)....___._
Index .................. Index ... --
I Lean Index
:HOKER: Climatic Control: Index
Set pointer on housing
Dr.-Drill size. *-Upper hole, 75 Dr. Lower hole, 51 Dr.