
Old Hupmobile Carburetors : 1938, 1939 Hupmobile H-825 Eight

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1938, 1939 Hupmobile H-825 Eight

Form 6323A—Canadian
March, 1938
Reprinted December, 1944

HUPMOBILE H-825 EIGHT 1938 1939

Casting No. 202 on Face of Flange
Dual Down-Draft Climatic Control Carbureter—Model 399S—List Price $35.30
A $6.25 exchange allowance is deducted from the list price if buyer turns in old carbureter.
H-25001 and higher
For Hupmobile Eight Cylinder Engine:
Dimensions: Flange size, 11/4 inch duel, 4 bolt type. Primary venturi, 11/32 inch I. D.
Secondary venturi, 21/32 inch I. D.
Main venturi, 11/8 inch I. D.
Float Level: Distance from float to bowl cover to be 3/16 inch when needle is seated.
Outside Vent: No. 20 drill. Inside vent: none.
Gasoline Intake: Square vertical needle. Size, No. 34 drill hole in needle seat.
Gas Line Connection: 5/ 16 inch S. A. E. nipple.
Low Speed Jet Tube: Jet size, No. 70 drill. By-pass in body, size No. 53 drill.
Economizer in body, size No. 48 drill. Idle bleed, size No. 53 drill.
Idle Port: Length, .200 inch; width, .032 inch.
Idle Port Opening: .016 to .022 inch with valve closed tight.
Idle Screw Seat: Size No. 56 drill.
Set Idle Adjustment Screw: 1/4 to I turn open. For richer mixture, turn screw out. Do not attemp.t to idle engine below 350 r. p. m.
3-3/16 Inch Bore, 43/4 Inch Stroke
Main Nozzle: In primary venturi, angle 45°. Discharge jet, size No. 52 drill.
Nozzle Retainer Plug: Jet, size No. 30 drill.
Metering Rod: Economy step, .0735 inch diameter; middle step tapers to .070 inch diameter; power step, .0615 inch diameter. Length, 2-59/64 inches.
Metering Rod Jet: .089 inch diameter.
Metering Rod Setting: Use gauge, part No. T109-27 (2.359 inches).
Accelerating Pump: High pressure type, spring operated. Discharge jet, size No. 70 drill.
Intake ball check, size No. 40 drill.
Discharge ball check, size No. 40 drill.
Relief passage to outside, size No. 42 drill.
Pump Adjustment: 31/64 inch plunger travel. Use gauge T109-117S.
Choke: Climatic control—set at index. Butterfly type. Choke heat suction hole, in air horn, size No. 36 (.1065") drill.
PUMP ADJUSTMENT: With pump connector link in inner hole (short stroke), and throttle adjustment screw backed out, pump plunger should travel 31 /64 inch from closed to wide open position. Use gauge T109-117S. Adjustment can be matte by bending throttle connector rod at lower angle.
METERING ROD ADJUSTMENT should he made when re-assembling carbureter or when leaner than standard rods are installed. (Do not disturb pump adjustment). Correct setting of metering rods is important. Procedure is as follows:
A. Remove air horn and climatic control assembly.
13. Rack out throttle lever adjusting screw, so that throt-
tle valves close tight, and loosen anti-percolator arm
C. Remove pin spring from metering rod pin and slide the pin from metering rod arm, taking care that pin spring and metering rod springs are not bent or lost. Lift out
Copyright 1938
by Carter Carburetor Corporation
All rights reserved.
Motor Tune-Up—Be Accurate! Always Use Feeler Gauges!
CAUTION: Change worn or leaky flange gaskets. Tighten manifold bolts and test compression before adjusting carbureter.
Spark Plug Gap .026"-.030"
Set Valves Correct Float Level
Intake .006" ( Remove Cork Gasket)
Exhaust .013" 3/16 Inch
Breaker Points
Idle Adjustment Screw Setting l/4 to
Turn Open
Use Timing Light
Breaker Points to
Open 7° Before Top
Dead Center
metering rods and remove brass metering rod disk retainer by loosening small brass screw. Remove, but do not lose the two small metering rod disks beneath this plate.

D. Insert two metering rod gauges, tool No. T109-27 in place of metering rods, seating tapered ends in metering rod jets. Put metering rod pin in place in metering rod arm. Metering rod pin should now rest at bottom of notches in metering rod gauges allowing for .005 inch variation on either gauge. Tighten anti-percolator arm screw with metering rod arm in this position.

E. Remove gauges and replace metering rod disks, retainer and screw. Install metering rods, spring and pin siring and connect metering rod spring. Graphite grease should be put in holes so that pump arm shaft operates freely.