Hupmobile Six 1933 258S
Canadian List Prices, Effective July 1, 1939
Part No. PARTS PRICE LIST List Price
2-50 Throttle valve $0.15
3-I65S Throttle shaft and lever assembly___ .85
6-95S tAir horn assembly (poppet valve) 3.10
6-103S ttAir horn assembly (hinge valve) 3.10
7-30 ttChoker valve hinge 30
7-40S tChoker valve assembly 70
7-50S ttChoker valve and bracket assembly:_ 30
I I-129S Low speed jet assembly 40
IIB-16 Pump jet passage plug 15
IIB-25 Ball check passage plug 15
IIB-27 Nozzle and idle passage plug 15
IIB-34 Nozzle retainer plug 15
12-177 Nozzle 40
14-1365 tChoker shaft and lever assembly 55
14-140S ttChoker shaft and lever assembly 55
20-22 *Needle seat gasket 07
20-26 *Metering rod jet gasket 07
20-29 Pump cylinder gasket . .07
20-34 Nozzle gasket ------------------------------- .07
2I-45S Float and lever assembly 1.10
24-15 Float lever pin 07
25-42S Needle and seat assembly 1.10
30-17 Strainer gauze 15
30A-36 Idle adjustment screw 40
36-I I Adjustment screw lock spring .15
39-I I Throttle valve screw 2 for .07
48-35 Pump jet—No. 72 drill size .20
53A-64S Pump arm and countershaft assembly
(Superseded by 53A-89S)_ _______. .55
53A-89S Pump arm and countershaft assembly 70
61-15 Choker spring 15
61-23 Plunger leather spring 15
61-52 Pump spring 15
61-75 Metering rod spring 15
61-80 ttChoker valve spring 15
Part No. PARTS PRICE LIST List Price
62-50S Tube clamp assembly 35
64-25 Plunger leather .35
64-29S Plunger and rod assembly (Identify by
Shaft No. 49-92) 1.25
75-75 Metering rod—standard (.067"-.047") .40
75-82 *Metering rod—I size lean (.068"-.049") 40
75-83 *Metering rod—2 sizes lean (.069"-.050") .40
86-9 Lock washer 02
86-19 Plunger washer (inner) .05
86-20 Plunger washer (outer) .05
86-21 Plunger lock washer .02
97-15 Plunger cup .20
100-16 Throttle lever adjusting screw (Sup. by 101-121) .07
101-10 Wire clamp screw .07
101-22 Attaching screw .07
101-28 Throttle shaft arm screw .07
101-30 tChoker valve screw ._. .07
101-121 Throttle lever adjusting screw 07
105-11 Tube clamp bolt 07
105A-8 Tube clamp nut 07
I05A-12 Plunger rod nut .07
114-15S Throttle shaft arm assembly 30
115-19 Throttle connector rod .20
117-12 Connector link .07
I18-16S Dust cover assembly .70
120-39S Metering rod jet assembly—No. 49 drill size__.. .40
121-12 Float chamber gasket .15
122-I IS Discharge ball check assembly 35
122-17S Intake ball check assembly .35
129-12 Metering rod cap disk .04
136-19 Plug washer—7/16 inch I. D .02
136-20 Plug washer—5/I6 inch I . D._ __ .02
146-20 Float' chamber cover 1.40
150A-10 Pin spring .02
156-10 Gas line elbow 40
166-12 Main jet .15
'Used only on caurbureter with poppet type choker valve. *Metering rods for
use in high altitudes or with high-test fuel.
*Gaskets so marked must be soaked in 90 proof denatured alcohol for 15 minutes,
installed on part and let dry before using.
List price of $4.20 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.07 each. List price
of $1.75 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.04 each.
List price of $2.45 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.05 each. List price
of $0.70 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.02 each.
Used only on carburetor with hinge type choker valve.