Figure 4
METERING ROD ADJUSTMENT: (Fig. 4) Back out throttle lever adjusting screw
until throttle valves seat in bores of carbureter. Be sure fast idle adjusting
screw does not hold throttle open. Insert one metering rod gauge T109-163
in place of either metering rod. Press down lightly on vacuum piston link
(E) until lug of piston link (F) contacts lip of metering rod arm (G). There
should be less than .005" clearance between metering rod bearing (H)
and shoulder in notch of gauge. Adjustment should be made by bending lip
of metering rod arm (G). Use bending tool T109-105.
FAST IDLE ADJUSTMENT: (Fig. 5) With choke valve tightly closed, tighten
fast idle adjusting screw (J) until there is .018" (K) opening between
throttle valve and bore of carbureter, side opposite port. Use gauge T109-44.
Be sure fast idle adjusting screw is on high step of cam (L) when making
this setting.
Figure 5
UNLOADER ADJUSTMENT: (Fig. 6) Two adjustments are necessary:
A. Loosen choke lever clamp screw (M) on choke shaft. Insert .010" feeler
gauge T109-71 between lip of fast idle cam and boss on flange casting (N).
Hold choke valve tightly closed and take all slack out of linkage by pressing
choke lever toward closed position—hold in place; tighten clamp screw
(M) .
B. Adjust unloader lip (0) on throttle shaft lever until there is 1/8" clearance
between upper edge of choke valve and inner wall of air horn (P) with throttle
held in wide open position (use gauge T109-36).
Figure 6