NOTE: Parts are shown here for identification only. Check correct number
and price in parts list.
Oldsmobile 8 I947 Carbureter 665S
—List Price $50.95
PART NAME List Price
—Body flange assembly-...- - _ _ $5 67
Throttle valve (2) 15
—Throttle shaft and lever assembly 1 28
—Air horn assembly 8 51
Choke valve 28
Low speed jet assembly _ (2) 43
Passage plug (2) 03
Rivet plug - -..-- -(3) 03
Idle port rivet plug (2) 03
Nozzle rivet passage plug (2) 03
Choke lever and screw assembly 28
Choke piston lever, link and shaft assembly _..- .72
Cam trip lever 15
Strainer nut and gasket assembly 43
Pump discharge check needle 22
20-22 *Needle seat gasket 07
20-26 *Pump relief plug gasket 07
20-35 *Bowl strainer gasket 07
20-54 *Metering rod jet gasket (2) 07
21-80S Float and lever assembly 1 77
24-24 Float lever pin 07
25-1055 Needle and seat assembly 1 13
30-14 Bowl cover strainer 15
30-42 Pump strainer I5
30A-41 Idle adjustment screw (2) 43
39-10 Choke valve attaching screw (2) 2 for 07
48-143S Pump jet and housing assembly __ 1 07
53A-284S Pump operating lever and countershaft
assembly 72
53A-287S —Fast idle arm and screw assembly 43
61-57 Adjustment screw lock spring (2) 07
61-128 Connector red spring 07
61-178 Vacuum piston spring 15
61-234 Metering rod spring 15
61-257 Needle pull clips 07
61-266 Fast idle cam spring 15
61-329 Upper pump spring I5
61-338 Plunger spring 15
61-365 Lower pump spring I5
63-58 Coil housing retainer (3) 07
63-92 Pump spring retainer 07
63-93 Spring retainer _ .07
63-118 Throttle shaft retainer ring -_.. .07
64-I13S Pump plunger assembly 2 05
75-613 —Metering rod (standard).... (2) 43
86-12 Flange stud lock washer _ (4) 01
101-19 Choke lever clamp screw 07
Part No. PART NAME List Price
101-28 Fast idle arm screw 07
101-67 Pump retainer screw -._ __ 07
101-73 Throttle valve attaching screw__ (4) 2 for 07
101-84 Fast idle adjustment screw 07
1 0 1 - 1 2 1 Throttle lever adjustment screw 07
101-136 Coil housing attaching screw _---(3) .07
101-140 Fast idle attaching screw 15
101-1495 Body flange attaching screw and washer
assembly (4) .07
101-152S Air horn attaching screw and washer
assembly - __.(4) .07
I01-155S Pump jet housing attaching screw and
washer assembly (2) .07
101-1605 Bowl cover attaching screw and washer
assembly .............................. ....-- (6) .07
101-161S Dust cover attaching screw and washer
assembly -- _(2) .07
101-236 Metering rod arm clamp screw 07
105A-10 Choke lever clamp nut 07
105A-II Flange stud nut (4) .07
III-45S Pump and metering rod arm assembly 28
115-70 Fast idle connector rod 22
115-77 Throttle connector rod 35
117-28 Pump arm link 07
117-83 Vacuum piston link 15
118-39 Dust cover 35
120-65S Metering rod jet and gasket assembly (2) 43
121-78 Coil housing gasket 07
121-79 Body flange gasket 15
121-80 Air horn gasket 15
121-81 Bowl cover gasket 15
121-116 Dust cover gasket 07
122-75S Pump relief plug assembly 35
122-81 Pump discharge check plug 28
122-85S Intake disk check assembly 35
129-22 Metering rod disk (2) 15
136-37 Connector rod washer 03
146-1695 Bowl cover assembly 4 97
150-62 Piston pin 03
150A-10 Pin spring ___ ._(3) 01
160-35 Choke piston 28
160-67S Vacuum piston and pin assembly 43
170N-77S Thermostatic housing and coil assembly._-._ 2.13
181-1445 —Fast idle cam assembly 43
186-15 Baffle plate 15
196-15 Pump plunger guide_ 22
Part No.
I-5945 2-92 3-6155 6-5765 7-145
II-1835 IIB-41 IIB-79 I IB-108 I I B-223
14-2965 14-3445 14-355 15-35S I7-66
'Gaskets so marked must be soaked in 90 proof denatured alcohol for 15 minutes,
installed on part and let dry before using. —Parts so marked are new
and listed for the first time.
NOTE: Small figures in parentheses preceding list price indicate number
of pieces used in one carbureter. Where no figure is shown, only one is