Fast Idle Adjustment: Hold choke valve wide open and allow fast idle cam
to drop free. Back out throttle lever adjusting screw until throttle valve
closes and screw just clears the first or normal idle position on cam.
Hold the throttle valve closed and release the choke valve. The choke will
lift the cam until the throttle lever adjusting screw rests against the
second position of the cam. While in this position adjust fast idle link
on offset portion, using tool No. T109-41, so that there is % inch clearance
between side wall of air horn and lower side of choke valve.
Be sure fast idle link does not bind.
Unloader Adjustment: Adjust cam on throttle lever to give 7/16 inch clearance
between lower edge of choke valve and inner wall of air horn, with throttle
wide open.
Lock Out Adjustment for Choke: With throttle and choke valves wide open,
adjust lip on fast idle link to give 1/32 inch clearance between lip and
throttle lever lock.
Lock must prevent choke valve returning to closed position. Choke mechanism
must not bind at any position.
Oldsmobile 6—I942—Carbureter No. 523S—List Price $29.40
All Prices Subject to Prevailing Surcharge
NOTE: Parts are shown here for identification only. Check correct number
and price in list given below.
Part No. PART NAME List Price
1A-21 Flange gasket—l½" S. A. L $0 07
2-110 Throttle valve 30
3-437S Throttle shaft and lever assembly 1 10
6-422S Air horn and piston housing assembly 2 95
6-424S Air horn and climatic control assembly 8 10
7-107 Choker valve 30
11-135 Low speed jet (Sup. by 11-141) 30
11-141 Low speed jet 30
11B-12 Rivet plug (6) 04
11 B-25 Pump strainer passage plug 15
11B-26 Rivet plug ........ ..... .....--- 04
11 B-27 Nozzle passage plug 15
11B-34 Nozzle retainer plug 15
11B-42 Rivet plug (2) .04
11B-96S Pump jet plug and gasket assembly 15
11B-108 Idle port rivet plug : 04
11B-109 Anti-percolator plug 15
11B-141 Nozzle retainer plug (Sup. by 11B-34) 15
12-231S Nozzle assembly 60
14-205S Choke piston lever, link and shaft assembly 90
14-206S Choker lever, screw and link assembly-- 45
15-35S Strainer nut and gasket assembly 45
20-22 *Needle seat and plug gasket (2) 07
20-26 *Metering rod jet gasket 07
20-29 Pump cylinder bushing gasket—upper 07
20-35 Bowl strainer gasket 07
20-45 Nozzle gasket •07
20-59 Suction passage gasket.-- .. 15
21-84S Float and lever assembly 1 20
24-15 Float lever pin - °--- -------------------... .07
25-75S Needle, clip and seat assembly 1 20
30-14 Bowl cover strainer gauze 15
30-17 Ball check strainer-.. .----... 15
30-23 Piston housing strainer 20
30A-39 Idle adjustment screw 45
53A-142S 53A-242S 61-23
61-57 61-63 61-75 61-128 61-176 61-179 61-192
Part No. PART NAME List Price
61-271 Pump operating lever spring 15
63-35 Spring retainer ..............(2) 07
63-48 Coil housing retainer (3) 07
64-25 Plunger leather 35
64-78S Plunger and rod assembly 1.35
75.523 Metering rod—standard .079"-.0645"-.044" 45
86-15 Flange stud lock washer (2) .02
86-19 Pump plunger washer (lower) 05
Pump plunger washer (upper) 05
Pump plunger lock washer 02
Plunger cup .... .................... ...---- 20
Coil housing attaching screw_ (2 for 07
Throttle shaft arm clamp screw 07
Choker lever clamp screw 07
Fast idle cam attaching screw 15
101.87 Throttle valve attaching screw (2) 2 for 07
101-120 Throttle lever adjusting screw 07
101.143S Bowl cover and dust cover screw and washer
assembly (4) 07
101-151S Air horn screw and washer assembly (2) 07
105A-12 Pump plunger hex nut 07
105A-13 Flange stud nut (2) 07
114-26S Throttle shaft arm and screw assembly 30
115-48 Throttle connector rod 35
117-28 Pump connector link..-.. .-.--- 07
Dust cover .. .... .... . .75
120-117S Metering rod jet and gasket assembly- 45
121-48 Bowl cover gasket 15
121-74 Coil housing gasket 07
122-11S Discharge ball check assembly 35
122-17S Intake ball check assembly 35
Metering rod disk 04
Strainer plug washer 02
Nozzle passage plug washer 02
Low speed jet washer -----...- --..-.. .02
Bowl cover ....---._ _...._... ...--- 1 45
Bowl cover and strainer assembly 1 90
Choke piston pin 04
Anti-percolator bracket pin 07
Pill spring 02
Choke piston .......................... .30
Vacuum piston assembly 75
Thermostatic coil and housing assembly 3 95
Fast idle cam and pin assembly 30
Anti-percolating cap and rocker arm assy 35
39-10 48-58
Choke valve attaching screw (2) 2 for
Pump jet, No. 70 Dr
Pump operating lever and countershaft assy.
Pump arm and collar assembly
Plunger spring
Adjustment screw spring
Pump spring
Metering rod spring
Connector rod spring (2)
Vacuum piston spring
. Rock arm spring
Needle pull clip
50-62 150.89 150A-10 160-35 160-43S
170 F64S 181-35S 184-14S
*Gaskets so marked must be soaked in 90 proof denatured alcohol for 15 minutes,
installed on part and let dry before using.
NOTE: Small figures preceding list prices indicate number of pieces used in
one carbureter. Where numbers do not appear before prices, only one is used.