
Old Oldsmobile Carburetors : Oldsmobile-015

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Form 6446B—Canadian
OLDS 8, 1936-40
June, 1940
Reprinted November, 3.944
CARBURETER INDEX AND PRICE LIST All Prices Subject to Prevailing Surcharge
Carbu- Casting Ex-
No. on change
refer Face of List Allow-
Year No. Starting Motor No. Flange Price (Brice
1936 328S L-202001 143 Sup. by 34I S
1936 34I S L-230203 143 $35.30 $6.25
1937 345S L-250001 to L-264460 153 Sup. by 389S
1937 367S L-264461 153 Sup. by 389S
1937 386S L-282302 to L-287365 153 Sup. by 3895
1937 386S (Auto Trans.) 153 Sup. by 3895
1938 386S L-296001 153 Sup. by 389S
1937-38 389S L-289723 to L-305272 192 38.20 7.50
1938 389S (Auto Trans.) 192 38.20 7.50
1939 389S L-316001 192 38.20 7.50
1940 3895 L-334001 192 38.20 7.50
t940 *47I S L-334001 192 38.20 7.50
Automatic Transmission cars designated by "LA" before motor number.
*Used on 8 cylinder Oldsmobile with hydramatic transmission.
CAUTION: Change worn or leaky flange gaskets. Tighten manifold bolts and test compression before adjusting carbureter.
PLUG POINTS Breaker Points Operating ( Remove MENT SCREW
GAP to Open Temperature Cork Gasket) Turns O
( Pen)
Intake Exhaust
3285-341S .033" .015" SEE NOTE .008" .010" 3/16" 3/4 to 11/4
345S-367S-386S .030" .015" BELOW .008" .011" 9/64" 3/4 to II/4
389S .030" .015" .008" .01 I " 3/8" I/2 to 1 I/4
NOTE: 1936-39 inc.—Breaker points to open for No. 6 cylinder when steel ball in flywheel is in line with pointer screw In fly-wheel housing (steel ball is not T.D.C.)
1940—Breaker points to open for No. 1 cylinder when steel ball in flywheel is in line with pointer in flywheel housing (steel ball is not T.D.C.)
PUMP ADJUSTMENT: With pump connector link in place tapered ends in jets. Put metering rod pin in place. Pin (long stroke, outer hole, in 3455-3075), throttle adjustment
sere lc line lied not and throttle held in rinsed position, pump plunger should travel (16/64" on 345S-367S) (19/64" on 386S-389S-471S) from closed to wide open position. Use gauge T109-1175. Adjustment can be made by bending throttle connector rod at lower angle.
METERING ROD ADJUSTMENT: Should be made when re-
assembling carbureters, or when leaner than standard rods
are installed. (Do not disturb pump adjustment.) Proceed
as fellows after removing air horn assembly and hacking out
throttle lever adjusting screw co valves seat tight: (389S-471S) Remove metering rod pin from vacuum piston link. Don't bend metering red spring. Lift out metering rods, and remove disk retainer and two disks beneath it. Insert one gauge, '1'109-104, in place of metering rod, seating tapered end in jet. Replace metering rod pin in piston link.
Push down niston link until metering rod pin rests lightly on shoulder of notch in gauge. With throttle valves seated, and link held down, bend lip on anti-percolator arm so that lip just touches metering rod pin (use tool T109-105). Re-move gauge and replace disks, retainer, metering rods, pin spring and connect metering rod spring.
(Other Models) Loosen anti-percolator arm screw, remove metering roil pin, metering rods, disk retainer and both metering rod disks. Don't bend metering rod spring. Insert two gauges (T109-27) in place of metering rods, seating

OLDSMOBILE EIGHT 1936 1939 1940

Figure shows 1937-40, 389S Carbureter
should rest on shoulders of both gauges allowing for .005" variation. Tighten anti-percolator arm screw with metering rod arm in this position. Remove gauges, and replace disks, retainer, metering rods, pin spring and connect metering rod spring.
ANTI-PERCOLATOR ADJUSTMENT should be made after metering rod adjustment, and with throttle adjustment screw backed out.
With throttle valves tightly closed, adjust lips on metering rod arm to depress anti-percolator stem so indicator line Is flush with top of anti-percolator plug. Care should be taken that an even adjustment is made on both anti-percolators, and metering rod arm lips.
UNLOADER ADJUSTMENT: With throttle wide open, dtstance between upper edge of choke valve and air horn wall should be 14" (3/16" on 471S). Check with T109-31 gauge. Adjust ny bending lip on fast idle link. If adjusted properly, with throttle wide open and choker valve moved wide open, choker valve will be locked in open position. Closing throttle will release choker valve. Trip lever is notched for this setting.
On 386S, which has no lockout, adjustment should be made with choke control spring in wide open position.
FAST IDLE ADJUSTMENT: Hold choker valve tightly closed and adjust fast idle arm screw to give .018" (.015" on 471S) opening between edge of throttle valve and bore of carbureter side opposite port.
Copyright 194n
by Carter (';urhnretnr Cnrnoration All Rights Reserved.