WA I Carbureter 410S—List Price $28.00
(410S Superseded by 414S)
Exchange Allowance $6.25
Spark Plug Gap-.025"
Breaker Points—.020"
Ignition Timing—2° Before T. D. C. Valves (Cold)—Intake & Exhaust
For Studebaker Six Cylinder Engine:
Dimensions: Flange size, 11/4 inch S. A. E.
Primary venturi, 11/32 inch I. D.
Secondary venturi, 11/16 inch I. D.
Main venturi, 11/4 inch I. D.
Float Level: Distance from seam (at free end) to tip on lower edge of float
chamber cover, when needle is seated, to be 1/4 inch.
Vents: Outside, No. 10 drill. Inside, none.
Gasoline Intake: Square vertical needle. Size No. 46 drill hole in needle
Gas Line Connection: 5/16 inch weatherhead elbow. Low Speed Jet Tube: Jet
size, No. 67 drill.
By-pass, size No. 51 drill.
Economizer, .076 inch diameter.
Idle bleed, size No. 50 drill.
Idle Port: Slot type, length .165 inch. Width .030 inch. Opening: .010
to .014 inch below lower edge of valve with valve closed tight.
Idle Screw Seat: No. 46 drill.
Set Idle Adjustment Screw: 1/2 to 11/4 turns open. For richer mixture turn
screw out. Do not attempt to idle engine below 8 m.p.h.
3-5/16 Inch Bore, 4% Inch Stroke
Main Nozzle: In primary venturi, angle 45°. Flush type, discharge jet
size, No. 45 drill.
Metering Rod (Vacumeter): Economy step, .0705 inch diameter; tapers to
.0665 inch diameter; power step, .0425 inch diameter. Length 3-9/64 inches.
Metering Rod Jet: .098 inch diameter.
Metering Rod Setting: Use gauge, part No. T109-102 (2.468 inches).
Accelerating Pump: Low pressure type, with adjustable pump stroke.
Pump discharge jet, size No. 70 drill. Intake ball check seat, size No.
62 drill. Discharge ball check seat, size No. 32 drill. Relief passage
to outside, size No. 42 drill.
Pump Adjustment: 18/64 inch plunger travel (full throttle position) medium
stroke. Use gauge T109-117S.
Choke: Carter Climatic Control, set one point rich. Butterfly type, offset
valve. Choke heat suction hole, in body, size No. 30 (.129") drill.
Vacuum Spark Port: Vertical, slot type, length .060 inch. Width .034 inch.
Top of port .054 to .059 inch above valve.
All Prices Subject to Prevailing Surcharge PARTS LIST
Part No. PART NAME List Price Part No. PART NAME List Price
1-214S Body flange assembly -_- $5 15 75-330 Metering rod—1 size lean—.072"-.072" to
2-101 Throttle valve 15 .069"-.046" 45
3-325S Throttle shaft and lever assembly 1 10 75.331 Metering rod—2
sizes lean—.073''-.073" to
6.275 Air horn and piston housing asst'. (Sup. by 6-3i5S) 2 95 .071"-.050" 45
6-276S Air horn and climatic control assembly 8 10 75-337 Metering rod—std.
.0705"-.0705" to .0665" to
6.345S Air horn and piston housing assembly 2 95 .0425" 45
7-107 Choker valve 30 86-9 Bowl cover lock washer (Use with 101-22
11-168S Low speed jet assembly 45 and 101-61) (6) 02
86-it Air horn lock washer (Use with 101-107) (2) 02
11B-41 Rivet plug Oq
86-12 Body flange 11B-42 Body flange rivet plug. -
-. .04 Y ge lock washer (2) 02
116-79 Rivet plug (5) 04 86-15 flange stud lock washer (2) 02 ...
"' 101.22 Piston housing attaching screw (Sup. by 101-1l3S) 07
11B-108 Idle port rivet plug 04
11B-117S Idle passage plug and gasket assembly 15 101-28 Throttle shaft arm
clamp screw 07 116-119S Ball retainer plug and gasket assembly 15 101-61 Bowl
cover attaching screw (Sup. by 101-1485) (5) 07
101-65 Coil housing attaching screw (2) 2 for 07
11B-127S Nozzle and pump jet passage plug and gasket 15 101-78 Choker lever
clamp screw 07
assy (2) 101-81 Fast idle cam screw 15
11B-130 Nozzle retainer plug 15 101-105 Body flange attaching screw ( )
12-239 Nozzle 45 101-107 Air horn attaching screw (Sup. by 101-151S) (2) 07
14-222S Choke piston lever, link and shaft assembly 90 101-120 Throttle lever
adusting screw 07
14.223S Choker lever, screw and link assembly 45
15-35S Strainer nut and gasket assembly 45 101-143S Piston housing attaching
screw and washer assy 07
20-22 *Needle seat and nozzle plug gasket (3) 07 101-148S Bowl cover attaching
screw and washer assy 07 20-26
20-45 Nozzle gasket 07 115-41 Throttle connector rod 35
21-70S Float and lever assembly 1 20 116-13 Ball (2) 04
24-15 Float lever pin - .07 117.58 Pump connector link ---- 25-34S Needle and
seat assembly 1 20 117-66S Piston link and spring assembly 35
30-14 Bowl strainer gauze 15 118.28 Dust cover 75
30.23 Piston housing strainer 20 120-67S Metering rod jet and gasket assembly
.098" 45
30-35 Pump strainer 15 121-51 Air horn gasket 07
30A-39 Idle adjustment screw __ _
_-... .45
-- 121-58 Bowl gasket
2 for 07 - .
39-10 Choke valve attaching screw .... (2)
. 121-66 Lower body flange gasket gasket 15
39-11 Throttle valve attaching screw _(2) 2 for 07 121.72 Tipper body flange
gasket 15
48-58 Pump jet—No. 70 drill 30 121.74 Coil housing gasket...e 07
58A-161S Pump arm and countershaft assembly 75 129.15 Metering rod disk_ 04
61-23 Plunger spring 15 146-69 Bowl cover (Not sold separately—part of
61-57 Adustment screw spring 07 146-88S Bowl cover and strainer assembly 1
61-63 Pump spring _ 15 150-62 Piston pin 04
61-75 Metering rod spring 15 150-92 Anti-percolator pin 04
61-128 Connector rod spring 07 150A-10 Pin spring (3) 02
61-187 Vacuum piston spring 07 160-56 Choke piston 30
61-188 Rocker arm spring - 15 - 160-67S Vacuum piston and pin assembly----
63-33 Thermostat housing retainer _(2) .04 170K23S Thermostatic housing and
coil assembly 2 95
63-35 Spring retainer _ 07 181-53S Fast idle cam and pin assembly 30
64-58S Plunger and rod assembly (Identify by shaft 183.20 Insulator 1 10
No. 49-108) _ 1.05 184-18S Anti-percolating cap and rocker arm assembly_ 35
*Gaskets so marked must be soaked in 90 proof denatured alcohol for 15 minutes,
installed on part and let dry before using. NOTE: Small figures in parentheses
preceding list price indicates number of pieces used in carbureter. Where no
figure is shown, only one is used.
* " 07 101-151S Air horn attaching screw and washer assy 07
Metering rod jet and idle plug gasket (3) 105A-13 Flange nut (2) 07
Bowl strainer gasket 07
114.42S Throttle shaft arm and screw assembly 30
Copyright 1939