Studebaker 6 1939 Carbureters Nos. 444S 453S
PACKAGE No. 1066, PRICE $5.85
All Prices Subject to Prevailing Surcharge
Part No. PART NAME List Price Part No. PART NAME List Price
IA-17 Flange gasket ( 11/4 inch S. A. E.) $0 07 62-108S
I-2595 Body flange assembly 4 40 63.35
2-92 Throttle valve 15 64-62S
3-353S Throttle shaft and lever assembly ........ 1 10 75-393
6-3125 Air horn and dust cover assembly 3 25
7-1165 Choker valve assembly 75 - 75-394
II-1625 Low speed jet assembly—No. 69 drill 45
IIB-34 Nozzle retainer plug 15 75.395
118-35 Rivet plug 04
B-41 Rivet plug .04 75-442
IIB-79 Rivet plug 04
IIB-108 Idle port rivet plug 04 86-10
11B-125S Strainer passage plug and gasket assembly 15
11B-1275 Pump jet and nozzle plug and gasket assembly 15
IIB-129S Low speed jet and idle well plug and gasket
assembly - -- - ..
12-254 Nozzle 14-2465
14-263 U 15-35S 20-22 20-26 20-35 20-61 2I-45S 2I-74S 24-23 25-92S 25-94S
Choke control lever and shaft assembly 60
Unitized package 2 00
Strainer nut and gasket assembly 45
*Needle seat and plug gasket .07
*Metering rod jet and plug washer .07
Strainer nut gasket .07
Strainer plug gasket 07
Float and lever assembly (444S) 1 20
*Float and lever assembly (4535) 1 20
Float lever pin 07
Needle and seat assembly (444S) 1.20
*Needle and seat assembly (453S) 1 20
*Float, needle valve and gasket unit (Consists of
21-74S, 25-94S and 121-25) 2 50
Bowl cover strainer 15
Ball check strainer_ 15
Idle adjustment screw_ _ .45
Choke valve attaching screw 2 for 07
Throttle valve attaching screw _ 2 for 07
Idle well jet—No. 56 drill 30
Pump jet—No. 72 drill 30
Pump arm and collar assembly 35
Pump operating lever assy. (Sup. by 53A-2515) 65
Pump operating lever assembly .65
Idle adjustment screw spring _ .07
Choker pull back spring 15
Connector rod spring
Pump arm spring .... .15
Pump spring 15
Connector link spring 0786-11 86-15 86-17 101-6
101-10 101-28 101-72 101-82 101-121 101-122 101-1425
101-1505 05-11 105A-8 105A- 13 105A-19 114-21S 115-59 117-58 117-71 120.855
121-25 121-56 121-73
122-62S 122-64S 129-15 136-39 146-955 146-97S
146-98S 50-97 50-98
150A-10 183-19
Choke tube bracket assembly ... .75
Spring retainer 07
Pump plunger and rod assembly ..... 1.05
Metering rod—standard—.078"-.078" to .065"-
.065" to .056'.'-.048" .45
Metering rod— I size lean—.079"-.079" to
.066"-.066" to .059"-.05 I " .45
Metering rod—2 sizes iean—.0795"-.0795" to
.067"-.067" to .061 "-.054"__..._._ _. .45
tMetering rod—3 sizes lean—.0795"-.0795" to
.068"-.068" to .063"-.056".-_. ..__-. .45
Bowl cover lock washer 02
Body flange lock washer 02
Flange stud lock washer 02
Air horn lock washer 02
Choke tube bracket attaching screw (Sup. by
101-1425) -07
Wire clamp screw .07
Throttle shaft arm clamp screw 07
Air horn attaching screw 07
Bowl cover attaching screw_ 07
Throttle lever adjustment screw 07
Body flange attaching screw 07
Choke tube bracket attaching screw and
washer assembly 07
Air horn attaching screw and washer assembly .07
Tube clamp screw . .07
Tube clamp nut .07
Flange stud nut 07
Metering rod pin hex nut_ 07
Throttle shaft arm and screw assembly 30
Throttle connector rod 35
Pump connector link 07
Choker connector link 15
Metering rod jet and gasket assembly—.081" 45
*Bowl cover gasket (453S) 15
Body flange gasket .09
Bowl cover gasket (444S) (Sup. by 121-25) 15
Discharge ball check assembly 35
Intake ball check assembly_ 35
Metering rod disk - 04
Metering rod pin washer 04
Bowl cover and pin assembly (Sup. by 146-98S) 1 45
Bowl cover and pin assembly (Not sold
separately—Part of I46-98S)- -.__
Bowl cover, pin and strainer assembly 1.90
Metering rod pin . .15
Intake needle pin (part of 25-94S) 09
Pin spring .. .02
Insulator .50
Plunger spring .15
30-14 30-20 30A-39 39-10 39-II 43-68 48-61
53A- 1685 53A-170S 53A-251S 61-57
61-119 61-128 61-143 61-151 61-171 61-190
61-201 Metering rod spring (Sup. by 61-272) ..... 15
61-207 Intake needle spring (part of 25-94S) 07
61-272 Metering rod spring 15
"Parts so marked to be soaked in 90-proof denatured alcohol for 15 minutes,
installed on part and let dry before using.
*444S Carbureters should be brought to 453S specifications. Install all 3 parts
indicated at one time and reset float level to I/4" +To improve cold starts
and performance during warm up, the unitized package No. 14-263U has been released,
consisting of I 14-
255S, 2 39-1I, I 61-213, I 62-I14S, I 107-14, I 117-74, I 150A-10. Inspection
tag 107-14 carrying No. 453SA is to replace
old tag after new parts are installed. j'For altitudes above 12,000 feet only.