Form 6322C—Canadian STUDEBAKER TRUCKS—1938
Reprinted January, 1946
Carburetor Model Number
3605 K20 K20-00I and higher
361S K25 K25-00I and higher
3945 K ! 0 K10-001 and higher
3955 K I5 K15-00I and higher
( 3605-3615-3945 Superseded by 4295 395S Superseded by 413S
Casting No. 316 on 360S, 3615; No. 302 on 394S, 3955 on face of flange.
WI Downdraft Vacumeter Carbureters 360S-361S-394S-395S—List Price $19.10
A $2.50 exchange allowance is deducted from the list price if buyer turns
in old carburetor.
K I 0-K I5—3-5/16" Bore, 4%" Stroke; K20—35/3" Bore,
41/4" Stroke; K25—4" Bore, 41/4" Stroke
Dimensions: (All Models) Flange size, 11/4 inch S.A.E. (All Models) Primary
venturi, 11/32 inch I. D. (All Models) Secondary venturi, 11/16 inch I. D.
(All Models) Main venturi, 11/4 inch I. D.
Note: 36I S has No. 53 hole in primary venturi.
Float Level: Distance from float (at free end) to float bowl cover with needle
seated to be: (see cut). (3605-361 S) 5/8 inch.
(3945-3955) 3/8 inch.
Gasoline Intake: (360S-36I S) Square vertical needle, No. 38 drill in needle
(394S-395S) Square vertical needle, No. 48 drill in needle seat.
Gasoline Line Connection: (All Models) 5/ 16 inch Weatherhead elbow.
Vent: (All Models) Outside: Size, No. 10 drill. In-side: None.
Low Speed Jet Tube: (3605-361 S) Jet size, No. 70 drill. (3945-3955) Jet
size, No. 68 drill.
(All Models) By-pass in body, size No. 55 drill. (3945-3955) Economizer jet,
size, .054 to .056 inch diameter.
(3605-36I S) Economizer in body, size, No. 48 drill. (All Models) Idle bleed,
size, No. 52 drill.
Idle Port: (360S-361 S) Slot type, length, .200 inch; width, .030 inch.
(394S-395S) Slot type, length, .175 inch; width, .030 inch.
Idle Port Opening: (360S-361S) .016 to .020 inch with valve closed tight.
(394S-395S) .014 to .018 inch with valve closed tight.
Idle Screw Seat: (All Models) Size, No. 46 drill.
Set Idle Adjustment Screw: (All Models) 1/2 to II/4 turns open. For richer
mixture, turn screw out. Do not attempt to idle engine below 300 r.p.m.
Main Nozzle: (All Models) In primary venturi, angle 30'. (360S) Restriction;
size, No. 46 drill. Outlet size, No. 31 drill.
(361 S) Restriction; size, No. 48 drill. Outlet size, No. 31 drill.
(394S-395S) Restriction, none. Outlet size, No. 35 drill.
Metering Rod: (394S) Idling, step, .080 inch diameter. Economy step, .0675
inch diameter. Power step, .057 inch diameter.
(3955) Idling step, .080 inch diameter. Economy step, .C695 inch diameter.
Power step, .045 inch diameter. (360S) Economy step, .0695 inch diameter.
Power step, .045 inch diameter.
(36I S) Economy step, .070 inch diameter. Power step, .040 inch diameter.
(All Models) Length, 3-3/ 16 inches.
Metering Rod Jet: (3605) Size, .09525 inch diameter.. (361S-3945-3955) Size,
.0935 inch diameter.
Metering Rod Setting: (3605-361 S) Non-adjustable. Do not use Metering Rod
(394S-395S) Use Gauge No. T109-40 marked 2.740 inch.
Accelerating Pump: (All Models) Low pressure type, with adjustable stroke.
(3605-36I S) Discharge jet, size, No. 72 drill. (3945-3955) Discharge jet,
size, No. 68 drill.
(All Models) Intake ball check, size, No. 62 drill. (All Models) Discharge
ball check, size, No. 45 drill. (All Models) Relief disk check, size, No.
65 drill.
Pump Adjustment: (360S-361S) 10/64 inch plunger travel. Use gauge T109-117S.
Choke: Manual—Butterfly type, with pressure relief poppet valve.
Vacuum Spark Port: (394S-395S) Slot type; length, .140 inch; width, .030
inch. Bottom of slot to be .008-.014 inch below valve.
Copyright 1938