
Studebaker Carburetors : 1937 Studebaker Trucks

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1937 Studebaker Trucks

Form 6266A—Canadian
CARTER CARBURETOR CORPORATION, ST. LOUIS, MO., U. S. A. April, 1937 Reprinted March, 1945


No. 357S—List Price $19.10 No. 360S—List Price $19.10 No. 361S—List Price $19.10 No. 362S—List Price $29.40 357S Superseded by 413S 360S Superseded by 429S 3615 Superseded by 429S
Carbureter Truck Serial Bore & Carbureter Truck Serial Bore &
Model Number Stroke Model Number Stroke
J-15 J15-00I 3¼"x4%" 36I S J-25 J25-00I 4" x411/4"
J- 15M J15-00I 3¼"x4%"
357S J-15B J15-00I 31/4"x4%" 36I S J-25M J25-001 4" x41/4"
360S J-20 J20-001 3%"x4¼" 3615 J-25MB J25-00I 4" x41/4"
360S J-20M J20-001 3%"x41/4" 362S J-30 J30-00I 41/4"x41/2"
360S J-20MB J20-001 3%"x411/4" 362S J-30M J30-00I 4¼"x4½"
357S—360S—36I S
Casting No. 302 on 357S-361S,
No. 316 on 360S
$2.50 Exchange allowance on 357S, 360S, 3615. $5.00 Exchange allowance on 362S.
CAUTION: Change worn or leaky flange gaskets. Tighten manifold bolts and test compression before adjusting Carbureter.
Breaker Points to Open:
Models J I5, J I SM, JI5B: 2° Before Top Dead Center
All Other Models: Top Dead Center.
vnl.ve Q C1W
Models J I5, JI5M, JI5B
Intake .016" (Cold)
Exhaust .016" (Cold)
Models J30, J30M Intake .006" (Hot) Exhaust .010" (Hot)

Other Models:
Intake .008" (Hot) Exhaust .010" (Hot)
FLOAT LEVEL Carbs. 3575—%" 3605-36I S—5/8"
CARBURETER 362S—5/64" from edge of casting.
IDLE SCREW SETTING 1/2 to 1¼ turns open
If carbureter loads up after considerable service, check float level. Wear on lip of float lever will raise float level. Float level in WI carbureters can be reset by bending lip of lever away from needle to raise level, or toward needle to lower level. In BB carbureter lip of float lever can be bent down to raise float level or up to lower level. Only a very slight bend is needed.
If motor stalls while idling, idle adjustment screw should be reset as instructed in the specifications. Set throttle lever adjusting screw so motor idles approximately 300 r.p.m. If these adjustments do not correct the trouble, remove idle orifice tube and plug assembly in the BB carbureter and clean tube and passages thoroughly with compressed air. In the WI carbureter, remove low speed jet tube and clean with compressed air. Examine and see that tube seats air tight in body casting top and bottom. If not, replace with a new tube of identical specifications.
Poor acceleration may be due to damaged or worn plunger leather in pump, sediment in pump cylinder or clogged check at bottom of pump cylinder. Examine plunger leather and if necessary replace. Pump jets should be cleaned with compressed air to remove the dirt and lint. However, it is usually advisable to replace pump jets as their cost is nominal. All jets and checks must be seated gasoline tight.
Excessive richness above 50 m.p.h. in the BB carbureter may be caused by a clogged main vent tube. After removal of rivet plug be-neath float bowl with tool No. T109-42, main vent tube can be removed and a new tube can be inserted with tool No. T109-70. Care must be exercised in inserting new tube, which must seat tightly. Use new rivet to complete installation.
Pump stroke adjustable for high or low temperatures. Set to longest stroke for cold weather, shorter stroke for hot weather driving.
Pump Adjustment: (Carbs. 360.361 only) With pump connector link in lower hole (short stroke) and throttle adjustment screw backed out, pump plunger should travel 10/64" from closed to wide open position. Use gauge T109-1175. Adjustment can be made by bending throttle connector rod at lower angle.
Maximum economy and performance are secured only when breaker points, spark plugs, valves and ignition timing are set to manufacturer's specifications as instructed above. After motor is properly tuned, the following should also be done to insure satisfactory performance and economy:
(a) Float level must be set as instructed.
(b) Main metering jets or metering rods can be replaced with
leaner than standard parts for altitude or high test fuels.
(c) In the BB carbureter, step-up rod in step-up jet must seat and
move freely. When reassembling, jet must be screwed in tight
against seat.
y Carter Carburetor Corporation All rights reserved.
Caution: Do not attempt to ga('opyrieht 1937
buge jets with drills. These jets have been flow-tested to insure correct fuel flow
Registered in C. S. Patent Office