LOUIS MO., U. S. A. Page 3
Studebaker Trucks 1937—Carbureter 362S—List Price $29.40
Prices Subject to
Part No. PARTS NAME List Price
I-172S Body flange assembly $3.30
IA-24 *Flange gasket—for use with governor 09
1A-31 Flange gasket—for use without governor 09
2-87 Throttle valve —_ 30
3-292S Throttle shaft and arm assembly 90
4-303S Throttle lever assembly _ .90
4A-47S Throttle shaft dog assembly 50
6-230S Air horn assembly__ 3.70
7-84S Choker valve assembly (Superseded by 7-1055) .75
7-1055 Choker valve assembly 75
IIB-27 Pump check passage plug 15
IIB-40 Rivet plug (Sup. by IIB-79) 04
IIB-41 Rivet plug _ 04
IIB-79 Rivet plug 04
IIB-103 Main vent tube rivet plug 04
IIB-108 Idle hole rivet plug 04
14-210S Choker control lever and shaft assembly 60
17-35 Pump check needle 20
20-26 *Main metering jet gasket 07
20-31 *Needle seat gasket 07
20-51 *Step-up jet gasket 07
20-52 Step-up piston gasket 07
2I-49S Float and lever assembly 1 20
24-23 Float lever pin 07
25-50S Needle and seat assembly 1.20
30A-37 Idle adjustment screw 45
39-11 Valve attaching screw 2 for 07
48-57S Pump jet assembly (Sup. by 48-83S) 35
48-83S Pump jet assembly 35
51-26 Step-up jet rod collar 07
61-58 Throttle lever adjusting screw spring 07
61-72 Choker pull-back spring I5
61-84 Idle adjustment screw spring 07
61-122 Step-up rod spring 07
61-134 Step-up piston spring 07
61-145 Pump spring conical I5
62-87S Choker tube bracket assembly 75
63-24 Float lever pin retainer 07
63-37 Retainer ring (pump) 07
64-4IS Plunger and rod assembly (Superseded by64-49S) 1.05
64-49S Plunger and rod assembly (Identify by Shaft
No. 49-104) 1.05
75-133 Step-up rod - 15
86-10 Choke bracket attaching screw lock washer 02
*This gasket to be installed between carbureter and governor tween governor
and manifold.
"Gaskets so marked must be soaked in 90 proof denatured alcohol for
15 minutes, installed on pert and let dry before using.
List price of $4.40 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.07 each. List
price of $1.85 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.04 each.
List price of $2.55 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.05 each. List
price of $0.75 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.02 each.
(See page 4 for parts list on 357S-360S-3615.)
100-15 Throttle shaft dog clamp screw
101-6 Choker bracket attaching screw (Superseded
by 101-1425)
...101-10 Wire clamp screw
101-12 Choke bracket clamp screw_
101-34 Throttle lever clamp screw
101-54 Flange attaching screw
101-65 Air horn attaching screw
Prevailing Surcharge
Part No. PARTS NAME List Price
86-11 Flange attaching screw lock washer (Use with
86-17 Air horn attaching screw lock washer (Use with
101-58 Throttle adjusting screw
I01-142S Choker bracket attaching screw and washer
assembly .07
I01-145S Flange attaching screw and washer assembly.... .07
I01-146S Air horn attaching screw and washer assembly .07
Choker tube clamp nut
Pump operating link - - .
Pump connector link
Body flange gasket
Body gasket _ :
Idle orifice tube and plug assembly
C washer for step-up rod
Step-up rod washer
Main vent tube
Step-up jet and gasket assembly
Pin spring
Pin spring _-
Main metering jet and gasket assembly
I size lean 45
159-58S Main metering jet and gasket assembly
Standard (for use with oil bath air cleaner) .45
159-66S Main metering jet and gasket assembly—2 sizes lean (I size lean
for use with oil bath air
cleaner) 45
159-76S Main metering jet and gasket assembly
standard 45
159-82S Main metering jet and gasket assembly—2 sizes
lean for use with oil bath air cleaner 45
160-335 Step-up piston and plate assembly 30
183-17 Insulator . . _ 50
when governor is installed. Original flange gasket to remain be-
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