

A view of a representative crankshaft showing the manufacturer's specifications is shown in Fig. 9.
Fig. 9. A typical manufacturer's specifications of a six-cylinder crankshaft. This crankshaft has three main bearing journals (M) and six crankpins or crankpin journals (P). The oil slinger (0) is used to prevent leakage out of the rear main bearing by throwing the collected oil into a suitable groove or battle which returns it to crankcase. (F) connects to flywheel. The taper and eccentricity of any crankpin (P), or main bearing journal (M) must not exceed .001". All journals must be lapped to a mirror finish. The limits of diameter of main bearing journals iis + or —.001".
The Crankcase
Seats or saddles in the crankcase are machine finished.
Where removable bearing halves are used for the main bearings, the seats are either milled, bored, or ground, depending on the standard of the engine manufacturer.
Where the main bearings are cast into the cylinder or crankcase casting, the seats are not given such accurate machining and are usually finished by boring or milling.

The Connecting Rod
The connecting-rod lower end can have the bearing metal removable, or permanently cast in the rod and cap.
There is a diversity of opinion however. Many of the manufacturers have abandoned the removable type of connecting-rod bearing and have adopted the centrifugally cast (or spun), or the pressure-poured babbitt type. The gravity-poured babbitt is not used in the factories.
Where the lower end of the connecting rod carries a removable bearing, the seat in the rod and cap for this bearing is more carefully prepared than where the metal is cast into the rod.
It is desirable to have 100 per cent contact be-. tween the back of the bearing and its seat iu rod or cap.
Lack of good contact at this point permits pounding down of the bearing, due to the blows transmitted by the pistons, the result of which is an increase in the diametrical clearance between the crankpins and bearings, producing cracked bearings or looseness, that necessitates the bearing being adjusted a few months after being fitted.
Another reason why a good contact between the bearing back and the scat in the rod and cap is necessary, is to provide an easy path for heat conducted from the piston head.

Bearing halves are either full-bearings (Fig. 10) or shimmed bearings (Fig. 10A).
When a full round bronze-backed babbitt-lined bearing is in process of manufacture, it is first made as a cylindrical bushing and is then split and machined out on the inside, then assembled and chucked and a cut taken off of the outside diameter which makes it a true circle or concentric inside and outside when halves are assembled together as shown in Fig. 10.
It is generally understood that the word "bearing," refers to the upper and lower half of a split bearing, and that it may be a bronze-back-babbitt-lined bearing, a die-cast bearing, or a cast-in babbitt bearing.
The word "bushing" refers to a solid cylindrical bushing which is not split, such as, for example, the piston-pin bushing, camshaft bushing, pump-shaft bushing, etc.
The shimmed bearing is made in a similar manner except that it is not machined after being split.
Fig. 10. A full half bearing. No shims, or only a few thin ones are required at (A).
Fig. 10A. A shimmed half bearing. Shims equal to the thickness of the saw used for splitting are required at (B) to make hole circular.
The service man can detect the presence of a full half bearing by the fact that it usually is shim-less. In rare cases a few thin shims are provided between the cap and saddle.
The use of shimmed bearings is indicated by the fact that there will be interposed, between cap and saddle on each side, shims of at least 1/32" thickness.
The die-cast bearing is a removable non-backed type which is cast in a die usually under pressure. It is slipped into the bearing seats the same as a bronze-backed bearing and is generally held in place by retaining screws. The die east bearing is almost always used with shims which places it in the shimmed bearing class. The die cast bearing is now seldom used.
The "cast-in" type may be described as a non-removable type of die-cast bearing. As the name implies it is built by filling the bearing seats with molten babbitt metal by any one of several processes. At the present time the most widely used method of inserting or bonding the babbitt metal to lower end of rod and cap is by the centrifugal process wherein the rod is held stationary with the big end surrounding a rapidly revolving hollow mandrel provided with suitable outlet holes through which the molten babbitt is ejected on to the previously tinned surface of the big rod end. By regulating the temperature the babbitt metal cools just enough to adhere to the rod and allow building up to the desired thickness. Due to the high centrifugal pressure on the babbitt, there is little chance for air pockets and a dense, close-grained layer of babbitt of desired thickness is secured.
Another method consists in pouring the molten babbitt under air pressure between a stationary mandrel and big end of rod. With the exception of the metal being forced into place by pressure the process is similar to gravity pouring with a ladle and stationary mandrel.
Fig. 10B. A die-cast bearing.
Fig. 10C. A bronze-backed babbitt-lined bearing.

The bronze-backed babbitt-lined bearing is a re-movable type made by the same processes as used in the cast-in or integral bearing except that the babbitt is filled into a bronze shell which is in turn secured to rod and main bearing seats by means of screws or dowels.
The interchangeable type of main or rod bearing is nothing more nor less than a bronze or steel-backed babbitt-lined type built to close limits. This type is generally characterized by its thin layer of babbitt (usually not more than 834- in.) which reduces the tendency towards flaking and allows a thicker and consequently stiffer bronze or steel backing.

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Carburetor Manuals: Engine Bearings