Old Buick Carburetors : BUICK MODELS 50 60 70 90 1941Previous | Home | Next |
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CAUTION: Change worn or leaky flange gaskets. Tighten manifold bolts and test
compression before adjusting carbureter.
Idle Adjustment Screw Setting
1/4 to 1 '/4
Turns Open
Plug Gap
Breaker Points
Use Timing Light
Breaker Points to Open
.006" B. T. D. C.
on "60"-"70"-"90"
4° B. T. D. C. on "50"
Set Valves
H o+
Intake .015"
Exhaust .015"
Correct Float Level
9/64-Inch (Early production)
"16-Inch (Late production)
The Carter Car Starter is incorporated in the carbureter as used on Buick.
There is a milled groove on the throttle shaft into which rests a steel ball
(I). When the accelerator is depressed with the motor stopped, the ball is
forced against the plunger (2) which moves bakelite guide (3) and a contact
spring (5), shaped like the letter W, up until it makes an electrical contact
between two brass inserts molded in the bakelite terminal cap (8) and starts
the motor. The manifold vacuum acts upon the steel ball and as soon as the
foot throttle is released the ball is drawn up by suction away from the shaft,
spring returns and breaks contact, and the ball remains in the upper position
as long as the motor is in operation. Any future operation of the throttle
does not make switch contact until motor stops.
Figure 12
The W shaped contact spring (5) rests on two or more brass shims (4) with square
holes. These are very important because they deter-mine the point at which
the switch contact is made. Contact should be made when throttle valve is opened
between 30° and 40'. If not enough of these shims are in place contact
will not be made soon enough. If there are too many of these the switch will
begin to function too soon (before 30') and in that case there is danger that
the switch may be in contact all the time.
In disassembling the switch extreme care must be taken that none of these shims
are lost and that they are all returned to their proper position. It is always
desirable to use Carter Car Starter Gauge T109-155S (Figure 14) after the switch
parts have been reassembled, and if any new part has been installed it is absolutely
essential that it be used to make certain that the contact is not made before
30° and is made before 40'.
Figure 13
Above the W shaped contact spring (5) will be found a cylindrical spring (7).
Between these two there is a round washer (6) with a square hole which must
not be confused with the shims which go beneath the contact spring. Caution:
Spring (5) and (7) must never be stretched or altered in any way or the operation
of the switch will be affected.
To remove the throttle shaft from carbureter it is necessary to first remove
starting switch complete. Never put oil or grease on any switch part as it
will collect dust and switch will eventually stick.
In making the electrical connection the red or hot wire is always attached
to the terminal screw pointing towards the motor.
Figure 14
NOTE: Tool TI09-1555 is used on 1941 Buick carbureters. T109-12IS, used for
1939-40 carbureters, can be brought up-to-date by adding
parts TI09-156, IOc, and T109-159S, 20c.