Chrysler Old Carter Carburetors : CHRYSLER MODEL C6 AIRSTREAM 1935Previous | Home | Next |
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Chrysler "Co' 935—No. EbFI—List Price $29.40
All Prices Subject to Prevailing Surcharge
Part No. PARTS PRICE LIST List Price
I-1315 Body flange assembly $3 70
IA-24 *Flange gasket (with governor) steelbestos
11/2 inch S. A. E 09
IA-31 Flange gasket (without governor) steelbestos
11/2 inch S. A. E. ...... ... ............. .09
2-87 Throttle valve 30
3-245S Throttle shaft and arm assembly 90
4-252S Throttle lever assembly 60
4A-48 Throttle shaft dog 30
6-1205 Air horn assembly 3 70
7-52S Choker valve assembly 75
IIB-I6 Pump jet plug 15
IIB-27 Idle hole plug-- I5
IIB-40 Rivet plug
I I B-41 Rivet plug ---° ------°-° 04
IIB-55 Needle retainer plug 07
14-1735 Choker lever and shaft assembly 60
14-1835 Choker lever and screw assembly 30
17-30 Pump piston needle -. _ .20
20-31 Needle seat gasket 07
20-32 Metering screw gasket 07
20-37 Step-up piston washer 07
'21-49S Float and lever assembly 1.20
24-19S Float lever pin and plug assembly 15
25-50S Needle and seat assembly 1.20
30A-37 Idle adjustment screw 45
32-12 Body flange attaching screw washer 07
38A-26 Step-up passage bushing 07
39-11 Valve attaching screw_ 2 for .07
48-44 Pump jet ..____._ _.- _...--...- - ---...- .20
49-89 Step-up push rod .15
49-99 Pump piston rod 04
*This gasket to be installed between carbureter and governor when governor
is installed. Original flange gasket to remain between governor and manifold.
'Not used on first production carbureters. Early production units equipped
with -non-removable brass retainer washer for pump ball check.
Ls- price of $4.40 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.07 each. List price
of $ 1.85 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.04 each.
L s= price of $2.55 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.06 each. List price
of $0.75 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.02 each.
Throttle lever adjusting screw spring 07
Step-up spring ............. .07
Idle adjustment screw spring 07
Pump spring. . .15
*Retainer ring 07
Lock washer (11/64 inch I. D.) 02
Lock washer (15/64 inch I. D.) 02
Choker lever clamp screw 07
Throttle lever clamp screw 07
Choker lever stop screw 07
Flange attaching screw 07
Air horn attaching screw - . 07
Throttle adjusting screw 07
Choke connector rod 20
Ball .04
Pump connector link 15
Pump operating link -- _: 20
Body gasket 15
Body flange gasket .07
Idle orifice tube and plug assembly 30
Main vent tube and plug assembly 30
Step-up valve assembly 60
Pin spring 02
Main metering screw—standard 45
Main metering screw—I size lean 45
Main metering screw—2 sizes lean 45
Pump piston 20
Pump piston, needle and plug assembly 45
Step-up piston assembly 45
Pump piston (outer) = .60
Step-up jet (power orifice) 15
Insulator (Superseded by 183-17) 50
Insulator 50