Carburetors for old Dodge Trucks : DODGE TRUCK MODEL T-236 3/4 TON, 4x4 1945Previous | Home | Next |
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Form 6541A—Canadian
February, 1947
Reprinted September, 1947
BB Down-Draft Carbureter With Governor — Model ETW I — List Price
A $10.00 exchange allowance is deducted from the list price if buyer turns
in old carbureter.
T-236—1001 and Higher
Dodge 6 Cylinder Engine:
Dimensions: Flange size, 11/2 inch S.A.E. Throttle bore, 1-11/16 inch (42.86 mm). Main venturi, 11/4 inch (31.75 mm).
Float Setting: Top of float 5/64 inch (1.98 mm) plus or minus 1/64 (.397 mm) below top surface of carbureter body casting.
Vents: Outside: none. Inside: balance vent tube .218 inch (5.56 mm) inside diameter.
Gasoline Intake Needle: Triangular, horizontal, needle seat hole, No. 48 (1.93 mm) drill.
Idle Orifice Tube: Jet size, .0276 inch (.70 mm).
Idle passage air bleed (in air horn), size .055 inch (1.40 mm). Idle restriction
in body, size .054 inch (1.372 mm).
Idle Ports: Upper port; slot type. Length, .128 inch (3.251 mm). Width, .027
inch (.686 mm).
Top of port .088 to .098 (2.235 mm to 2.489 mm) above top edge of valve.
Lower port size: .053 to .057 inch (1.35 to 1.45 mm) diameter. (For idle adjustment
Set Idle Adjustment: 1/2 to 11/2 turns open. For richer mixture, turn screw
out. Idle engine between 500-550 r.p.m.
Inch Bore, 45/8 Inch Stroke
Main Metering Jet: Calibrated to flow 312 to 316 cc per minute.
Do not gauge for size. If in doubt, replace with new part.
Main Vent: Fuel chamber to vent tube well, size .063 inch (1.60 mm) diameter.
In vent tube plug, size .0433 (1.10 mm) diameter.
Restriction in horizontal passage to venturi, size .125 to .130 inch (3.175
mm to 3.302 mm) diameter.
Main Tube Side Holes: 1—.0354 (.90 mm) diameter 3/32 inch (2.381 mm)
from end.
1—.0354 (.90 mm) diameter 1/8 inch (3.175 mm) from end. I—.0236
(.60 mm) diameter 1/2 inch (12.70 mm) from end. 1—.0236 (.60 mm) diameter
17/32 inch (13.49 mm) from end. 1—.0157 (.40 mm) diameter 1-15/32 inch
(37.31 mm) from end.
Step-up Jet: Size, .0413 (1.05 mm) diameter.
Accelerating Pump: Type, vacuum operated. Stroke, non-adjustable. Pump intake
passage ball check seat, size .115 to .120 inch (2.93 to 3.05 mm) diameter.
Pump discharge passage, ball check seat size, .062 to .065 inch (1.58 to 1.65
mm) diameter.
Pump discharge jet, size .0315 inch (.80 mm) diameter.
Choke: Manual—Offset butterfly type, with poppet valve. Vacuum Spark
Port: None.
Motor Tune-Up—Be Accurate! Always Use Feeler Gaugesl
CAUTION: Change worn or leaky flange gaskets. Tighten manifold bolts and test
compression before adjusting carbureter.
Breaker Points
Breaker Points to Open: T.D.C.
Spark Plug Gap .025"
Set Valves (Hot)
Intake .008" Use Gauge
Exhaust .012" Set Float—5/64"
Idle Adjustment Screw Setting
1/2 to 11/2 Turns Open
Copyright 1947