Carburetors for old Dodge Trucks : DODGE CAB OVER ENGINE TRUCK 1942Previous | Home | Next |
economy: (a) Maximum economy is secured only when breaker points,
spark plugs, valves and motor timing are set to manufacturer's specifications.
(b) Float level must set as instructed on page 1.
(c) Step-up valve cage assembly should be examined. Ball check in this assembly
seat and move freely. When reassembling valve cage must be screwed in tight
against seat.
(d) Step-up push rod must move freely in upper
and lower guides.
(e) Step-up piston in upper casting should not bind and must be free from dirt.
6CI-6C I
'---'- 3
4A-39S 7-I18S 7-1265 IIB-12 IIB-26 IIB-30 11B-31
4-3555 21-495 20-75
25-82S 25-102S 30A-35
NOTE: Parts are shown here for identification only. Check correct number and
price in list given below.
61-60 61-61 62-1165 62-118S
63-54 65-19 71A-17
_0116-13 I05A-8 I05A-10 105A-13 117-13
0 © i I
86-15 100-15 101-10 101-12 101-29 101-30 101-31
1145-21 149-13S 149-65S 149-665 150-26159-52 160-10 160-11 161-11S 162-23 163-12
101-32 101-34 101-39 101-58 I01-142S
123-16 136-21
Dodge Cab-Over-Engine Truck—1942—Carbureter 6E1—List Price
All Prices Subject to Prevailing Surcharge
Part No. PART NAME """ List Price
IA-24 Flange gasket—for use with governor $0.09
IA-31 Flange gasket—for use without governor _ .09
2-96 Throttle valve • •--- .30
3-410 Throttle shaft -90
4-355S Throttle lever assembly 90
7-118S Choker valve assembly 75
IIB-12 Rivet plug -` 04
IIB-26 Rivet plug -04
IIB-30 Step-up piston plug -' 15
B-31 Idle hole plug 15
12-166 Nozzle ---• ......................... .............................
. .90
13-29 Choker shaft (stub) 20
14-260S Choker assembly with clamp and screw 60
20-30 Nozzle gasket 07
20-31 Needle seat gasket 07
20-32 Metering screw gasket 07
20-74 Venturi gasket—upper 07
20-75 Venturi gasket—lower 07
2I-49S Float and lever assembly 1 20
24-18S Float lever pin and 01ug assembly 15
25.102S Needle and seat aslembly 1 20
30A-35 Idle adjustment sc, 'w 45
32-12 Pump rod gasket..<`--- ---- .07
49-87 Step-up push nid -15
51-20 Pump collar ^ 15
52-16 Pump sleeve .30
53A-71S Pump arm assemb(y 90
58-72 Venturi -75
61-57 Idle adjustment screw spring .: : 07
61-58 Throttle lever adjusting screw spring 07
61-59 Pump spring
61-60 Step-up piston spring :.t::;..tY ; 07
61-61 Step-up spring 07
62-I16S Choke tube bracket assembly 35
63-54 Packing retainer 15
65-19 Pump link cover plate 04
List price of $4.40 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.07 each. List price
of $2.55 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.05 each.
Part No. PART NAME So List Price
7IA-17 Flange stud 07
86-10 Lock washer 02
86-11 Lock washer - .02
86-15 Flange stud lock washer---_ 02
100-15 Headless screw 07
101-10 Wire clamp screw 07
101-1-2 Clamp screw - .07
101-29 Body attaching screw _.07
101-30 Choke valve screw 07
101-32 Pump link screw 07
101-34 Throttle lever clamp screw 07
101-39 Throttle valve screw 2 for .07
101-58 Throttle adjusting screw 07
I01-1425 Choke bracket attaching Ac w and washer assy. .07
I05A-10 Chcel be clamp nut 07
105A-13 Flange stud- nu-L' 07
116-13 Ball - .04
117-13 Pump link ---•-------. 20
121-13 Body gasket ....-• • •---- 15
123-12 Idle passage tube 15
123-16 Idle orifice tube 30
136-21 Plug washer 02
145-21 Vent tube
149-13S Check valve cage assembly 45
149-65S Pump valve cage assembly 45
I49-66S Step-up valve cage assembly 60
150-26 Pump collar pin 04
159-26 Main metering screw—I size lean 45
159-35 Main metering screw—standard 45
160-10 Pump piston •--•---•-• 60
160-I1 Step-up piston -------- 30
161-115 Pump rod plate and rod assembly 45
162-23 Power orifice .15
163-12 Felt packing • •
List price of $1.85 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.04 each. List price
of $0.75 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.02 each.