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Currently viewing: 1935 Chevrolet Repair Manual » Brakes » Series EA-ED Instructions


1. Disconnect pedal pull back spring, brake pull rod, front and rear pull rods and hand brake pull rod.

2. Set hand brake lever to its extreme forward position and adjust hand brake pull rod to its proper length— 15N" between centers. This can be accurately measured from the back of the front hole to the back of the slot. Assemble pull rod to the hand brake and cross shaft levers.
3. Hook up pull back spring and set the brake pedal stop so that the brake pedal clears the floor board %".
4. With the brake pedal against its stop, adjust the pedal pull rod to its proper length. Connect up pull rod.
5. To obtain proper clearance between brake cable and front wheel—loosen clamp screw that holds the rear end of cable in the frame bracket, turn the left wheel to the left or the right wheel to the right, as far as it will go, rotate the cable up and inward by grasping the sleeve with a pair of pliers until the cable clears the tire and frame N" to %". Hold the cable and firmly tighten the clamp screw. Turn wheels to the right and left to set cable and re-check for proper clearance.
6. With the brake cam levers "A" against their stops "B" adjust the front and rear brake rods to their proper lengths. NOTE: The front
and rear brake cables must be adjusted so there is no slack in them. This is done by pulling back on the rod end of the cable so that the pull does not move the cam lever "A" and screwing rod into the cable end. Connect up pull rods.
7. Jack up car and see that the front wheel bearings are properly adjusted.
Centralize brakes on each wheel by loosening centralizer bolt "C," and tapping it up and down to make sure that the centralizer is free.
8. Tighten the brake adjusting screw "E" slowly while rotating wheel forward, until the high spot on the brake drum is reached, hold in this position and tighten the brake adjusting screw "E" firmly, then tighten centralizer bolt "C."
9. Loosen up on the brake adjusting screw until the shoes just clear drums. Tighten the check nuts "D..'
10. Depress brake pedal and check for equalization, loosening up on the tight brakes until all are equal. Make sure not to have over 50% of brakes on front. Side to side equalization of brakes is important.
Road test car, apply brakes to check action of brakes at light, medium and maximum pedal pressures.
Fig. 229— Master Passenger Car Brake Instruction

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