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Currently viewing: 1935 Chevrolet Repair Manual » Brakes » Series Q 1 1/2 Ton Trucks


Service Brakes:
1. Disconnect pedal pull back spring, brake pedal pull rod, front and rear adjustable pull rods and hand brake lever to cross shaft pull rod.

2. Adjust cross shaft brace "A" to a length that will permit free operation of cross shaft. Check to see that cross shaft is free. Lubricate if necessary.
3. Place brake gauge "B" in position. Set brake pedal against its stop and adjust pedal pull rod to its proper length and connect. NOTE:— Gauge K-456 should rest squarely against frame, the lever end will be about IA" away from the lever. Use clevis pin for alignment.
4. Adjust hand brake lever pull rod to its proper length and connect, making sure clevis pin is in its extreme rear position in slot. Hook up pull back spring.
5. Check front brake cross heads to see that they operate freely. Lubricate if necessary.
6. Adjust front adjustable pull rods and rear adjustable pull rods to their proper length so that cam operating levers "C" are against their stops "D" and connect pull rods. NOTE: —The front brake cables must be adjusted so there is no slack in them. This is done by pulling back on the rear end of the cable so that
the pull does not quite move the cam lever "C," and screw rod into cable end. Remove gauge "B."
7. Jack up truck and see that the front wheel bearings are properly adjusted.
8. Centralize brakes on each wheel by loosening centralizer screw and tapping it up and down to make sure that the centralizer is free.
9. Tighten the brake adjusting screw "G" slowly while rotating wheel forward, until the high spot on the brake drum is reached, hold in this position and tighten the brake adjusting screw firmly. Tighten centralizer screw "E."
10. Loosen up on the brake adjusting screw until the shoes just clear drums. Tighten check nuts "F."
11. Depress brake pedal and check for equalization, loosening up on the tight brakes until all are equal. Side to side equalization of brakes is important.
Road test truck, apply brakes to check action of brakes at light, medium and maximum pedal pressure.

Emergency Brakes:
1. Disconnect pull back spring, front and rear adjustable pull rods and hand brake lever to cross shaft pull rod.
Fig. 232—1 1/2 Ton Truck Brake Instruction

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