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Carters Carbs for Willys

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1948 Willys Station Sedan Series 663, 645S Carburetor

1948 Willys Station Sedan Series 663

ing rod jet. With throttle valve seated, press down lightly on piston link (directly over piston) until lip of link touches pin in pump arm. There should be less than .005" clearance between metering rod pin and shoulder in notch of gauge. Adjust by bending lip on piston link (Use tool T109-105). Remove gauge and install metering rod and disc. Connect metering rod and spring.
Anti-Percolator Adjustment: Crack throttle .030" by placing gauge T109-29 between throttle valve and bore of carbureter, side opposite idle port. Bend rocker arm lip until there is 005" to .015" clearance between rocker arm and pump arm. With gauge removed, anti-percolator valve should be slightly open when throttle valve is seated.

Willys 1948 Carbureter 645S List Price $29.10

Part No. PART NAME List Price
I-570S —Body flange assembly $4 97
IA-30 Flange gasket 08
2-97 Throttle valve 28
3-587S —Throttle shaft and lever assembly 1 07
6-536S Air horn assembly 3 55
7-102 Choke valve 28
II-160S Low speed jet assembly 43
IIB-41 Rivet plug -----° 03
IIB-79 Rivet plug ................................................._(5) .03
IIB-108 Idle port rivet plug 03
I I B-I 175 Idle passage plug and gasket assembly 15
I I B-I 19S Ball retainer screw plug and gasket assembly _. .15
I IB-127S Nozzle and pump passage plug and gasket
assembly (2) 15
IIB-130 Nozzle retainer plug 15
12-307 Nozzle °---- 43
I4-234S Choke shaft lever and shaft assembly 57
14-354S Choke lever assembly 43
I5-35S Strainer nut and gasket assembly 43
20-22 *Gasket .- (3) 07
20-26 *Gasket (3) 07
20-35 *Strainer nut gasket 07
20-45 Nozzle gasket 07
21-70S Float and lever assembly 1 13
24-15 Float lever pin 07
25-94S Needle, spring and seat assembly 1 13
30-14 Bowl strainer gauze__ 15
30-39 Pump strainer 15
30A-39 Idle adjustment screw 43
39-10 Choke valve attaching screw (2) 2 for 07
48-61 Pump jet 28
53A-21IS Pump operating lever and countershaft assembly 72
53A-2135 Pump arm and collar assembly 35
61-57 Adjustment screw spring 07
61-75 Metering rod spring 15
61-128 Connector rod spring 07
61-148 Vacuum piston spring .... 07
61-168 Choke valve spring 15
61-188 Rocker arm spring 15
61-190 Connector link spring 07
61-196 Choke lever spring 15
61-200 Plunger spring __ 15
Part No. PART NAME List Price
61-207. Intake needle spring 07
61-211 Pump operating lever spring 15
61-245 Pump spring 15
62-97S Tube clamp assembly_ 1.00
63-93 Connector rod spring retainer-.-..- 07
64-765 Pump plunger and rod assembly 1 00
75-609 —Metering rod—Standard—.075"-.075" to
.071"-.050" 43
86-9 Lock washer .01
86-15 Flange stud lock washer 01
101-10 Wire clamp attaching screw 07
101-28 Throttle shaft arm and tube clamp screw-.-.(2) 07
101-87 Throttle valve attaching screw (2) 2 for 07
101-108 Fast idle cam screw I5
101-120 Throttle lever adjusting screw 07
I01-143S Air horn attaching screw and washer assy 07
101-1475 Body flange attach. screw and washer assy (2) .07
101-148S Bowl cover attach. screw and washer assy (5) .07
101-151S Air horn attaching screw and washer assy (2) .07
105-I I Choke tube clamp screw 07
105A-8 Clamp screw nut 07
105A-13 Flange nut .07
108-20 Choke lever spacer 08
I14-42S Throttle shaft arm and screw assembly 28
115-41 Throttle connector rod 35
116-13 Pump check ball (2) 03
117-58 Pump connector link 07
I I7-66S Piston link and spring assembly 35
117-1255 Choke link and pin assembly : 28
I I8-28 Dust cover 72
120-67S Metering rod jet and gasket assembly 43
121-51 Air horn gasket-- 07
121-58 Bowl gasket ° 15
121-72 Body flange gasket 15
129-15 Metering rod disk 03
136-52 Fast idle cam spring washer 04
146-165S Bowl cover assembly 1 85
150-92 Anti-percolator rocker arm pin 03
150-98 Intake needle pin --° ° 08
150A-10 Pin spring -----° (5) 01
160-67S Vacuum piston and pin assembly 43
181-85 Fast idle cam .15
184-18S Anti-percolator cap and rocker arm assembly.._ .35
'Gaskets so marked must be soaked in 90 proof denatured alcohol for 15 minutes, installed on part and let dry before using. Parts so marked ore new and listed for the first time.
NOTE: Small figures in parentheses preceding list price indicate number of pieces used in one carbureter. Where no figure is shown, only one is used.

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