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Currently viewing: 1946 Carters Carburetor Specifications » Willys » 613S p.2

Carters Carbs for Willys

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1946 Willys Station Wagon & Panel Delivery Model 4-63

1946 Willys Station Wagon & Panel Delivery Model 4-63

Fig. 1
CARBURETER ADJUSTMENTS Adjustments must be made in the following order:
I. FLOAT ADJUSTMENT: With bowl cover assembly inverted and float resting on pin in seated needle, the vertical distance from the projecting tip on edge of float chamber cover (A) to soldered seam of float should be 5/16" (Fig. I). Do not depress float lip against spring in needle, but let float rest of its own weight. Adjustment is made by bending lip of float which contacts pin in needle. Do not bend front of float when adjusting as damage will result. Use gauge T109-107.
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2. PUMP ADJUSTMENT: With pump connector link in place back out throttle lever adjusting screw to allow throttle valve to seat in bore of carbureter. Place universal pump travel gauge T109-1175 on bowl cover with projecting lip of gauge extending over pump link where it extends through pump plunger shaft (B) (Fig. 2). Hold gauge vertical to insure correct readings. Turn knurled nut of gauge until lip rests on pump link. Read numbe' on gauge indicated by notch in knurled nut. Repeat with throttle in wide open position. The difference in readings obtained at closed and at wide open throttle should be "I I" (I I /64" plunger travel). Adjustment should be made by bending throt'I< connector rod at lower angle. (Insert, Fig. 2.)
Fig. 2

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