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Metering Rod Adjustment: Correct setting of metering rod is
important and must be made after pump adjustment. Install metering pin and
spring assembly, washer and nut loosely on pump operating lever. Insert gauge
(tool T109-26) in place of metering rod, seating tapered end in metering
rod jet. Hold gauge vertical to insure seating. With throttle valve seated,push
metering rod pin even with shoulder of notch in gauge and tighten nut (tool
T109-76). Remove gauge, and install metering rod, disc and pin spring. Connect
metering rod spring.
Note: When setting float, do not depress lip against spring in needle, but
let float hang of its own weight. Gauge should barely touch float.
NOTE: Parts are shown here for identification only. Check correct number
and price in list given below.
All Prices Subject to Prevailing Surcharge
PKG. No. 1304, PRICE $5.45
Part No. PART NAME List Price Part No. PART NAME List Price
Body flange assembly . $4.40
Throttle valve --- _ _ .15
Throttle shaft and lever assembly 1.10
Air horn assembly 3.25
Choker valve assembly
Low speed jet assembly, No. 70 drill
Rivet plug
Rivet plug .--. (6)
Nozzle retainer plug
Idle port rivet plug
Strainer passage plug and gasket assembly
Pump jet and nozzle passage plug and gasket
assembly (2)
Low speed jet and idle well passage plug and
gasket assembly . (2)
Nozzle .... - -
Choke control lever and shaft assembly
*Needle seat and plug gasket__ __ (3)
*Metering rod jet and plug gasket (3)
Strainer plug gasket
Nozzle gasket .__... ................_.--. ..
Float and lever assembly-- - _.. .._-_.
Float lever pin
Needle, spring and seat assembly
Pump check strainer ___-.. .
Idle adjustment screw
Choke valve attaching screw ._._--.__(2) 2 for
Throttle valve attaching screw.... (2) 2 for
Idle well jet
jet, .73 drill -.-__ ..._. .
Pump arm and collar assembly
Pump operating lever assembly.
I d l e adjustment screw spring .. _.
Choker pull back spring __ _.- -. .
Connector rod spring . . - - - -
Plunger spring - . . . .
Pump arm spring
Pump arm spring (Sup. by 61-151)
Pump spring . .....
Connector link spring
Metering rod spring --._-.-.- _.-.-
Intake needle spring ... .._ .07
Choke tube bracket assembly 75
Spring retainer . . ___.- --.._. . .07
Pump plunger and rod assembly 1.05
XMetering rod—.0695"-.0695" to .06525"-
.06525" to .0585"-.0585" .45
Metering rod—standard—.0695"-.0695" to
.055"-.055" 45
Metering rod—.0705"-.0705" to .0585"-.05675"
(For altitude only) .45
Bowl cover lock washer..__-.. - _.-.-.-. .(4) .02
Body flange lock washer (2) .02
Flange stud lock washer (2) .02
Wire clamp screw- -__ __ .07
Throttle shaft arm clamp screw-__ __ - - - .07
Bowl cover attaching screw _ .....(4) .07
Throttle lever adjustment screw-.-. .07
Body flange attaching screw (2) .07
Choke tube bracket screw and washer assembly .07
Air berm screw and washer assembly (2) .07
Tube clamp screw
Tube clamp nut . .07
Flange nut . (2) .07
Metering rod pin hex nut-_-.-. . .07
Throttle shaft arm and screw assembly .30
Throttle connector rod .35
Pump connector link .. .07
Choker l i n k -... ..... .15
Metering rod jet and gasket assembly, .078" 45
Body flange gasket (2) .09
Bowl cover gasket- - - __________ .15
Discharge disk check assembly .35
Intake ball check assembly. .35
Metering rod disk .04
Metering rod pin washer.... .04
Bowl cover and pin assembly . _.-.. 1.45
Metering rod pin 15
Intake needle pin- -._ .09
Pin spring (4) .02
Accelerator retracting spring clip 15
Insulator .- -__.. _ ___ -__- _ .50
NOTE: Small figures preceding list price indicate number of pieces in one
carbureter. X Special metering rod for use with governor.
*Gaskets so marked must be soaked in 90 proof denatured alcohol for 15 minutes,
installed on part, and let dry before using.
List price of $4.40 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.07 each. List price
of $1.85 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.04 each.
List price of $2.55 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.05 each. List price
of $0.75 per 100 applies to parts listed at $0.02 each.