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Currently viewing: 1935 Chevrolet Repair Manual » Transmissions » Synchro-Mesh Care

2. Clutch sleeve makes contact with synchronizing spring which moves synchronizing drum against cone on gear. Fig. 109.
3. Rotation of drum causes servo-cams to align for contact.

Fig. 109— Operation of Synchro Mesh Transmission —Nn. 2
Fig. 110— Operation of Synchro Mesh Transmission —No. 3

4. Servo cams press synchronizing drum against external cone on gear, forcing gear to assume same rotative speed as engaging teeth on clutch sleeve. Fig. 111.
5. Clutch teeth having assumed the same rotative speed, the synchronizing drum pressure is re-leased, permitting the engaging teeth to hunt or float in order to slide into each other easily. Fig. 112.
At least every 1000 miles the oil level of the transmission should be checked and the proper grade of lubricant added to keep this level even with the plug on the side of the transmission. The plug on the bottom of the transmission is for the purpose of draining the lubricant when necessary.
Fig. 111— Operation of Synchro Mesh Transmission —No 4
Fig. 112— Operation of Synchro Mesh Transmission —No. 5
It is a good plan to drain this lubricant at least every 5,000 miles and flush out the trans-mission case with a good grade of flushing oil. This will remove any foreign matter that may be in the transmission.

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