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Currently viewing: 1935 Chevrolet Repair Manual » Transmissions » Standard Model Transmission

When changing the front synchronizing spring to secure the proper clearance between this part and the spline shaft shoulder, it is only necessary to remove the main drive gear and thread the spring out through the synchronizing drum.
Assemble the shifter forks to the shafts. The notches on the second and high speed gear shifter shaft go to the front, while the notches on the first and reverse speed shaft go to the rear, as shown in Fig. 121.

First and Reverse Speed Fork

First and Reverse Speed Shaft
Fig. 121— Gear Shifter Forks and Shafts

When assembling the shafts to the forks, assemble the spring and the ball in position. Insert shaft and turn to force ball and spring down as shown in Fig. 122. Then push shaft to the center slot which is the neutral position.
Fig. 122— Method of Assembling Shifter Fork and Shaft
Assemble the reverse and first speed shifter fork and shaft and second and high speed shifter forks and shafts to transmission. Lock both shafts in position, using the large lock at the rear and the small lock at the front, as shown in Fig. 123.
Assemble the interlock, checking for free movement. If the interlock binds, loosen the lock screwsslightly, and tap the end of the shifter shaft until the interlock moves freely. Assemble cover to transmission.
Place the gearshift lever in cover and check for ease of shifting and proper gears meshing.
Fig. 123— Front and Rear Shifter Shaft Locks
Replacement of Transmission in Chassis
After the transmission has been reassembled and is ready to be replaced it in the chassis, it is in-stalled in the reverse order of the removal operations.
TRANSMISSION (Standard Models) Construction
The transmission used in the Standard models closely resembles the transmission used on the Master models.
It is very simple in construction. The silent second speed gear is a constant mesh gear which is mounted to the rear of the spline shaft next to the rear bearing to insure greater rigidity for this gear. Between this second speed gear and the main drive gear is a sliding clutch sleeve which is splined and fits over the spline shaft. This sleeve permits engagement into either second or high speed gears.
When the clutch sleeve is moved towards either second or high speed gear by means of the gear shift lever, the teeth on the end of the clutch sleeve engage or mesh with the teeth on the inside of either the second or high speed gears.
By referring to Fig. 124 the various positions of the gears can be readily seen.
At least every 1000 miles the oil level of this transmission should be checked and the proper grade of lubricant added to keep this level even
Speed Shaft

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