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Currently viewing: 1935 Chevrolet Repair Manual » Engine Assembly » Ignition Timing

coil wire terminals to see that they are clean and tight in their sockets. Clean or, if necessary, replace.
Reassemble the rotor, distributor cap, spark plug wires and coil wires.

Octane Selector— Passenger Cars

Checking and Setting Igniting Timing
To properly time the Chevrolet engine, the neon timing light illustrated in Fig. 88, is an absolute necessity. In operation, the timing light is attached near the flywheel housing opening and the lead clipped to No. 1 spark plug.

Start the engine and run at idle speed. Watch the steel ball set into the flywheel. This light is synchronized with number 1 spark plug and flashes only when number 1 cylinder is firing. If the engine is properly timed, the steel ball on the flywheel will be in line with the pointer on the flywheel housing.
I f the steel ball on the flywheel is on the left hand side of the pointer on the flywheel housing,
Fig. 88— Neon Timing Light
the engine timing is early. In this case, loosen the distributor clamp and rotate the distributor body in a clockwise direction until the steel ball on the flywheel is in line with the pointer on the flywheel housing. Tighten distributor clamp.
If the steel ball on the flywheel is on the right hand side of the pointer on the flywheel housing, the engine timing is late. In this case, loosen the distributor clamp and rotate the distributor body in a counter-clockwise direction until the steel ball on the flywheel is in line with the pointer on the fly-wheel housing. Tighten distributor clamp.
Remove the carburetor from the engine and check the operation of the accelerating pump by operating pump and watching spray.
Clean all parts of the carburetor and with the gasket removed set the float to its proper level which is %" from outer end of float to machined surface of cover with the valve closed; %" when in maximum open position. This can very easily be checked with a piece of drill rod %" in diameter as shown in Fig. 89.
Fig. 89— Carburetor Float Level
Check the number of the metering rod to be sure that it is standard for the particular section of the country in which the car or truck is operating.
The following is a list of the metering rods, their part number and size, which are available for service:
Size Marked
Standard 65A-46
Lean 66-50
Extra Lean 67-52
Reassemble the carburetor and assemble it to the engine. Adjust the throttle lever plate screw so the engine will idle at the desired speed.
Adjustment of Valves
Before adjusting valve clearance, the engine should be normalized by running for twenty minutes after the water temperature gauge has reached its normal point, or when the temperature at the

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